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Alf Wells - You Have Two Minutes
By Tracy Holmes

Alf after a smash at Old Meadowbank

What are you up to these days?

Trying to keep out of trouble and do what I'm told at home. Building a hover-craft, when allowed in the garage! Retired now, still not enough hours in the day.

You have been through far more than most, how are you coping?

When I lost my legs I thought it was the end of the world. But it's not too bad. Better than being stuck in a wheelchair. Can still drive and do most things. It might take a bit longer but I get there in the end.

Any family stuff you would like to share?

When our son [Garry] died, that was a disaster. His son, our grandson is 20 years old now and living in Perth. Elizabeth our daughter has a little girl, 7 months old. That keeps us all busy!

Do you see any speedway these days?

I go out to Ruapuna now and again, also to Moore Park. Margo and I will go to the NZ GP. Some old team-mates coming from Scotland. Be good to see them again.


Well done Alf! Many thanks for sharing your time. Would say 'take it easy' but its obvious you have no intention of doing so !!!


This article was first published on 5th January 2012


  • Steve Metcalf:

    "Really shocked to hear that Alf has had it so tough recently. I was a fan of his when he rode for Bradford in the early 70's making up a really potent trio of heat leaders in Alf, Gary Peterson and Alan Knapkin. Glad to hear he seems to be looking on the bright side, despite everything. Totally agree with chris backhouse about Odsal, it's a real shame there is no top class speedway in West Yorkshire anymore.if any new track is built though, I hope fans don't expect it to be the same as Odsal (or The Shay) as those places were unique in their own way. We can only hope."

  • Kenny Taylor:

    "Glad to hear Alf is doing ok. Spent some great time with him when he and Margo lived at the WELLS at Jedburgh...."

  • George Watson:

    "So good to read about Alf doing good. We crossed paths when he came to work where i was serving my apprenticeship. I went to old meadowbank and did cycle speedway, so you can imagine the excitement when he came to my workplace. I leart a lot from Alfie and crossed paths with some of the riders coming in to see him, and had lots of laughs too. Alf if you happen to read this all i can say is a big THANKS i learnt a lot and have passed it on down the line. Best wishes to Alfie and Margo "

  • Thomas Taylor:

    "Been to see Alf & Margo a few times now in New Zealand, always nice to see them, as they stayed at our farm at Netherwells in Scotland when Alf rode speedway in the UK, we were always amazed how Alf adjusted after losing his legs but nothing was a problem for Alf."

  • Bob Bath:

    "Good to hear re Alf Wells - an inspiration to us all."

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