Bruce's Tribute to Connor
Bruce Penhall, the 1981 and 1982 World Champion, now has a permanent tribute to his late son on his upper arm. Connor Penhall was killed by a drunk driver in 2012 while working on the freeway.
Bruce said: "This is in memory of Connor, we miss Connor every second of every day".
Pictures are courtesy of Ryan Penhall.
Special thanks to Ivan Blacka for his help with this feature.
This article was first published on 2nd March 2014

Ryan Penhall:"Thanks for the post Speedway Plus. We appreciate all the love and support from everyone."
Ivan Blacka:"Bruce was never a guy who liked needles when he got hurt. That is why this tattoo is so precious to the Penhall family and Connor. "
Hope Cepak:"The Penhall tattoo is Beautiful!"
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