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Dream Team : Bryan Tungate

I have followed speedway since the Firs Stadium reopened in 1946. Since the demise of the World's Premier track here in Norwich I have become a Kings Lynn supporter but the move to mid-week makes it difficult to attend every time. Up to 1980 I had seen at least one match at almost every track in the U K. I also saw Ove win in 1961 (Sweden) and Michael Lee in 1980 (Sweden). I do not like guest riders or double-up riders or the stupid "Joker double points."


Ove Fundin
Every Promoter or Manager wants to have the best there is and Ove was, always will be, the best rider of all time. As an individual he topped the lot. He would be the ideal leader for any team, but when it comes to Norwich's all-time team Ove is an absolute must. He rode for the Stars for 10 years.

Aub Lawson
Aub was a long-time servant to Speedway and his latter years were spent with Norwich. Though called the "Gentleman of the tracks" Aub could and did know how to look after himself when the occasion arose. A natural-born leader, he would make an ideal Captain of my team.

Bert Spencer
Another rider who graced the sport for many years I will always remember Bert as he was my first boyhood hero in 1946 when I first saw Speedway. He was a leg-trailer, but could hold the white line with uncanny brilliance.

Bob Leverenz
Bob came over with the great Jack Young and I feel he could have emulated the great man. Unfortunately Bob didn't seem to want Speedway as much as Jack and he gave the sport up too soon. He was always immaculately turned out and found time for the supporters whenever possible.

Fred Rogers
Fred will always have a special place in my memories. When we first got elected to the First Division he was a rider who improved out of all recognition. A solid team man who would provide good back-up to the heat-leaders.

Billy Bales
A rider with more years in the sport than most, well known as an "overnight sensation" Billy was a local boy made good. Many times he suffered injuries which had the sports followers writing him off but he always came back for more. His 13 years at the Firs were followed by a number of seasons at Sheffield and he will always be remembered in the sport.

Phil Clarke
Phil was a rider whose whole time in the sport was spent at Norwich. He was a quiet, unassuming man who always put the team first. He often surprised everyone with a high score just when it was needed. He also suffered injuries but always came up smiling.

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This article was first published on 17th February 2006


  • Robin Franccis:

    "Bryan has listed 7 Norwich heroes of Speedway and I remember them all and recall Phil Clarke always wore specs and echo Bryan's sentiments."

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