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Dream Team : Colin Mackay

First enjoyed speedway in the 70's at Blantyre and a regular nowadays at Ashfield and sometimes Armadale and further afield when work commitments allow. Didn't miss a meeting in the 90's glory years at Shawfield. One of the first meetings I ever went to was Highlanders v Sassenachs v Anzacs at Blantyre. Have also been to Powderhall, Armadale, Shielfield, Brandon, the County Ground and Wimborne Road. Went to Berrington Lough as well but it was a rain-off. Obviously a Tigers man hence the stripes bias in my 1 to 7. Many more riders would make the line-up such as Robert Nagy, Les Collins, Nigel Crabtree, Jason Crump, Jason Lyons, Steve Regeling, Kenny McKinna (and Martin and Charlie). And those only seen in Speedway Star etc and on tv like Erik Gundersen, Tomasz Gollob, Jan O Pedersen, Henka Gustaffson, Tony Rickardsson... Blimey, better stop.


Steve Lawson
Mr Lawson. The skipper. Need I say more? Visit his leathers and bike in the Museum of Transport in Glasgow from time to time.

Merv Janke
When I first went to speedway aged something around pretty young I loved it from Heat 1. Blantyre it was, and boy did I love it. Didn't really understand too much other than the Tigers were the best thing ever and Merv Janke; my 1st ever speedway hero.

Shane Parker
A real racer, presents himself in an impeccable manner. Cannot be faulted for his commitment and professional attitude. A dude with much coolness. The way he shepherds team-mates for 5-1's like Mr Ksiezak this season is a joy to watch. His ability to wind people in and cruise past them on the inside line or out in the dirt; you go that way and Mr Parker will pass you the other way.

Hans Nielsen
Tigers first season at Shawfield. He came along to do some 2nd half demonstration laps and to take on Tigers on a head to head basis. Having never seen the place before he beat everybody by half a lap if not more. The days of some speedway on Eurosport and Screensport, the Speedway Mail and Speedway Star: Mr Nielsen was the best of the best.

Shane Bowes
Superb racer, his passing ability around Shawfield was amazing. But the best was the best race I have ever had the pleasure of watching. Exeter v Glasgow in July 1992. How the thunderstorms never hit the County Ground I'll never understand. Anyway, I digress, Heat 12 or thereabouts? Bowesie trailing in third but winding them in (Richard Green and Frank Smart I think). Going the 'high wide and handsome route' but leaving turn 4 on lap three still about 10 bike lengths behind. Bowesie then powered around the 1st Falcon on turn 1 into 2 and the other on turn 3 into 4 for the win! I was there and I've got the tape, he really did it, jaw dropping stuff and no mistake. Oh yes, and the Tigers won!

Karol Zabik
Had the pleasure of watching this guy at Poole this season when the Panthers took the Pirates to the cleaners big time. What a racer, watching this lad pick people off at his leisure, if he wasn't already leaving them trailing in his wake, was just superb.

Geoff Powell
Big Leggy. Biggest cheer I ever remember from Shawfield was when he won a race. Big skinny cheery bloke who was always up for any race and never ever gave up. A credit to the Tigers and to the world of speedway. Proof that you don't have to have a heat leader average to be a speedway hero.


This article was first published on 23rd November 2006

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