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Colin McKee - You Have Two Minutes
By Tracy Holmes

Colin McKee

Tracy Holmes puts Colin McKee On Two Minutes;

What are you up to these days?

I seem to keep so busy I don't know how I ever had the time to "work". Over the last 20 years I have restored 5 English motor bikes, a 1971 Triumph Bonneville, a 1968 Norton Commando, a 1964 AJS Model 18, a 1967 BSA B44 Victor and a 1956 BSA B33. I also have 5 Speedway bikes.

During the last six years I have restored two speedcars which I enjoyed driving for a while, I still own one which is a 1982 Chevvy II powered car with a good history. My driving of these came to an end when we lost our local track for racing classics, which closed for redevelopment. I built up a wingless sprint car which I drove at the Perth Motorplex, I still have that but my son, Darren, is going to take over the driving of that because in the past two years I have been racing single seat open wheel cars owned by the W.A. Racing Museum. The car I currently drive is a 1967 Alexis Formula II Lotus Twin Cam. In 2009 I raced a Formula Junior at the Bruce McLaren Festival of Speed at Pukekohe and Hampton Downs in Auckland.

How's the Health?

I am very lucky that I enjoy good health although recently I have had surgery on both shoulders for tendon repairs.

Any family news you would like to share?

When Trish and I decided to move to Perth 23 years ago, the decision was made on the understanding that our daughter Sandra, and son Darren were happy with the move and we stayed together. We are very lucky we still all live in the same City. They are now both married with their own families, and we have 5 grandchildren.

Do you see much Speedway these days?

Yes, when time permits. I go and watch the Speedway Solos race at Pinjar Park Raceway and I also attend the Perth Motorplex. I enjoy watching the British Elite League and also the Grand Prix Series on T.V.

What's your favourite Speedway Memory?

I have many memories from my first years of racing in New Zealand, then making the decision to go to England to begin a career in racing speedway for a living. I found a totally different world from what I had known in New Zealand, riding between two to five nights a week at tracks that were all so different and meeting so many people, riders and supporters.

My best memories over the years were when I rode for the New Zealand Team and also, because of my Scottish ancestry I rode for Scotland against Russia and England. I also rode in Holland and Poland which was another great experience for me. Other good memories are when I qualified through to the World Championship semi-finals (British Zone) and when I finished third in the London Riders Championship at Hackney.

Any Message for Fans and Friends?

Thanks to my speedway career I have met and made many friends across the world and I have fond memories of so many good times spent with many of them, some who are sadly, no longer with us. My message to all these people would be to stay healthy and enjoy life, laugh a lot and live longer!

Great to catch up Colin, many thanks from myself and I'm sure, many speedway friends !!!


  • Paolo Bonica:

    "Hi Colin, I used to live across from you in Waghorne St Ahuriri Napier NZ, was always interested in your speedway bike and sport also went to watch you at track when it was down by Anderson Park end of Taradale, Kennedy Rd's. Worked In Port Headland 2013 for 2 years but lived in Perth. I hope this reaches you."

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