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Dave Whittaker - You Have Two Minutes
By Tracy Holmes

Tracy Holmes puts Dave Whitaker 'On Two Minutes';

What are you up to these days?

I have been building wooden things from Recycled Rimu. Have had the pleasure of 2 new Grandkids, 2 & 3 years. And have built cradles, cots, tables, toys and a large Rocking Horse. They are now in Whangarei after losing their home at Brooklands [Christchurch] after the earthquake. With my wife Marie, 41 years married, from Southampton, toured Ireland and then a family wedding in Southampton. Also went to Goodwood Festival of Speed, great old and new cars. We spend a lot of time at our beach house, great fishing, club Crayfishing etc. I have been playing Masters Snooker, over 45 years, to a reasonable level.

How's the health?

67 years old and pretty good!

Any family stuff you would like to share?

Happy to have 2 successful daughters, both with degrees and of course new Grandkids. We had Briggo stay a couple of times and was able to help with media contacts to promote his book.

Do you see much speedway these days?

Not locally but went to Cardiff this year [2011] with Ken Lane, my old speedway travelling companion who went on to win British Grasstrack sidecar champs and also Martin Yeates (ex Poole and Weymouth). Also went to Poole, my old second half track. Martin and I went onto the centre green for an interview at half time. Poole very strong with Aussies.

Any message for friends and fans?

Great memories at Christchurch with Alan Brown, Bernie LaGross, Murray Burt, Roger Wright and ofcourse Ronnie. Hello to all who remember those Hawkes Bay V Canterbury matches. I'm only too happy to be part of a wonderful speedway family!

And I remember your many visits to the Awapuni track in Gisborne with Freddie Timmo and Colin Farquharson. I can still see the sparks flying off those steel shoes, MAGIC !!! Many thanks for sharing the good times Dave. Keep that tip well chalked !!!


This article was first published on 4th March 2012

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