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Dream Team : David Torley

I have supported the Newcastle Diamonds since 1975 and travel to a few away meetings as well, especially the northern tracks.


Joe Owen
He maybe never became the world class rider we hoped, due to his first big accident at Hull, but he was undoubtedly the best NNL, NL, PL rider of all time. He could beat anyone, and I mean anyone, around Brough Park. Great Wheelies too!

Martin Dixon
More for his time at Boro than as a Diamond. Mad Dog was pure entertainment. Always worth the entry money.

Robbie Blackadder
Or Crashadder as we knew him. He must the only rider to obtain a 9.00 CMA by winning 3 races and crashing in the other in every meeting.

Carl Stonehewer
Always good to watch and it was awesome seeing him compete in the Grand Prix as a PL rider. Hope he gets fit enough to ride again.

Kenny Carter
A sensation from day 1. Seemed to have no fear and had the beating of most of the NL at 16 years of age.

Graeme Stapleton
An old warhorse of a Kiwi who came to us late in his career. What a team rider though. His rides with Tom Owen were sheer class. Often did four laps with barely a Rizla between them.

Mark Thorpe
Just for the stunning transformation that he underwent from struggling 3 pointer one week to genuine No1 the next. And yes, it really did happen overnight. The best gater I've seen at NL level. He didn't have the confidence to make it in the EL though. Wonder what he's doing now? He often seemed so laid back he would fall asleep if he wasn't on a motorbike doing 70mph.

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  • Tracy Holmes:

    "Re Mark Thorpe. I saw Mark a while back at a meeting at Moore Park, Christchurch, NZ. looking like he never aged, was chatting away to Ronnie Moore's daughter. I believe he is an electrician working locally."

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