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Speedway Drawings
By Duncan Pemberton

Click on the pictures for a better view

Thought I would share this picture that I have on my wall that my Daughter drew in early 2001.

It is on 57cm x 40cm Paper and it depicts in order a pencil drawn portrait of each World Champion with the years they won the title in the years 1936 - 1999.

Each portrait took approx 2 hours each to finish and the pictures used were of the year that the rider won his first title. What I like about it (barring i am obviously biased and think it's the dog's) is that when people take a look at it, depending on their age, they are drawn straight to the era of when they fell in love with the sport, whether it was Freddie Williams or Penhall times.

There is also an A4 drawing of some Witches in action she did around the same time.

I hope you agree it was well worth her time to do and it is my favourite picture she has done for me.


This article was first published on 30th June 2013


  • Ivan Blacka:

    "This is great stuff. There is a site on Facebook only for artists with their drawings. It is called MOTORCYCLE ARTIST on facebook. You can join and view some fine art. "

  • John Hyam:

    "These drawings are superb - no other description. I am certain that they carry a good cash valuation and need to be carefully preserved. Well done to the artist."

  • Steve Metcalf:

    "What a fantastic idea, your daughter obviously has a lot of talent and you must be very proud of her. The drawings are that good that I managed to name them all, (except the 30s) without looking at the names. I'm not an Ipswich fan, though Tiger John did ride for my team Halifax Dukes, for a couple of seasons and he was always very fast round the big, banked shay track and was one of my favourite riders. I went to Foxhall a few times in the 80's and I'm sure I've seen all the Ipswich riders on the picture at one track or another. I have got to like Chris Louis contribution to sky coverage as well, he talks in a really knowledgeable, down to earth way."

  • Jim Turrell:

    "I just came across these drawings and was blown away by them, they are so good, the one's of the Witches realy interested me. The one of Billy Sanders has come about at a good time as I am trying to get Ipswich Witches to hold a meeting in 2015 to comemerate 30yrs since Billy passed away, find us on Facebook "Billy Sanders (speedway rider) event 2015". I taken the liberty of including the Witches drawings on this page, please let me know if you wish me to remove them. One last thing are these drawings available as posters if not I think they deserve to be."

  • John Hyam:

    "The two sets of drawings were top class. If it doesn't upset any legalities - I cannot see why - what is the talented young artist's name. I can't see it mentioned - and 'praise where praise is due' surely must apply here. Have there any more drawings that have not so far seen general viewing?"

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