08/07/2005 Edinburgh v Rye House Premier League
Stuart Robson leads Theo Pijper
David McAllan chases Tommy Allen
Chris Neath and Kristian Lund
Eddie Kennett leads the way
New Monarch - Kristian Lund
McAllan ahead of Werner
Pijper behind Neath
King and Werner lead Woodward
Allen, Boxhall and Lawson
A tight first bend
This article was first published on 9th July 2005
Philip Dalling:
"The up-to-date action pics published on Speedwayplus are magnificent photographs in their own right.
But why do modern day speedway photographers almost totally exclude the background crowd scene from their shots?
Speedway photographers over the years have captured the atmosphere of the sport and also put the riders involved
into some sort of context. The older shots which show the crowds and the stadia do not reduce the impact or size
of the riders.
So is there a technical reason that this non-photographer does not know about?
Or is it, sadly, the fact that at many tracks there are simply no crowds, stands etc on the bends to record?"
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