Eighties Snapshots By Ian Presslie
These pix were my first efforts at speedway photography with the family Kodak Instamatic after I had pensioned off the Kodak Brownie. In those days with cash at a premium due to having a young family expensive cameras were out of my reach and with the cost of developing and printing I didn't take many photos.
As time went on better Canon cameras could be afforded and the film process charges became cheaper. With the advent of digital photography and better and cheaper cameras and no processing charges photography has become available to most people.
 Ashley Pullen
 Dennis Sigalos
 Denny Pyeatt
 Max Schollhorn
 Mike Lanham
 Mitch Shirra
 Ole Olsen
 Peter Wurterle
 Tommy Knudsen
This article was first published on 30th March 2014
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