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Ekka Legends Report
By Tony Webb

Australian VSRA members were out in force at the Ekka Legends function in Brisbane on March 3. The packed Upper Lounge at the splendid Easts Leagues Club in Coorparoo were enthralled by presentations and interviews of speedway competitors from all divisions.

Bert Kingston told of his days at Halifax, Kev Torpie lamented that the best part of his British speedway seasons was bringing home his bride. Stan Bear shared his memories, John Titman praised the sponsors and support groups. Jack White spilled the beans with his revealations of manipulating the handicap system. Graham Bingham, son of Bill and Neil Gould gave an insight to sidecar racing.

The biggest hoot of the night was Nigel Boocock who related a tale of the late Keith Cox and his injuries in 1948 at Edinburgh. The headlines ran "Monarchs versus Newcastle with Cox out." A few days latter "Bradford v Monarchs with Cox in." Think about it!

Frank Arthur's daughter spoke her fathers achievement and George Morgan regaled stories the g olden days on four wheels.

For the history buffs. yours truly had a display of photos, Queensland's veteran researcher Barry Forsyth and top journos Graham Tolbin and Steve Magro were picking up future info. The pioneer Hunting family were represented by six family members. Camera man Darrell Lockhart was snapping all night long, hope to get some pics soon.

Others noted were, Garry Allan, Col Rogerson, Eddie Argall, Winston Cartmell, Tony Edwards, Russell Osbaldiston,and Graham Lane..There was a rumour that Bert Harkins was to attend, whats the story there Bertola?


This article was first published on 4th March 2012


  • Ian Hawkins:

    "So far as I know the rider in question was Jimmy Cox, not Keith. He had rather exotic leathers that earned him the nickname of the "buckskin boy" "

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