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Dream Team : Gary Moore

I have been watching Glasgow Tigers since 1977 when they moved into the first Blantyre track. My Dad took me and a couple of my sisters along, although they only lasted a couple of meetings. We watched the first few meetings from the old bing (slag heap) behind the back straight which was then flattened to make a car park of sorts. Instead of home riders I have chosen seven visitors who made an impression on me in one way or another.


Wayne Brown
I remember my Dad spending ages talking to Wayne in the pits at Blantyre. I'm sure it was when Berwick rode a few meetings there on Saturday nights in 1981 he let me sit on his bike and gave me bits and pieces. He signed for Sheffield and I thought I would never see him ride again and I don't think I did. Never really fulfilled his potential and I was sad to hear the news when he died a few years back.

Dean Standing
In 1988 I had an accident at work where I lost part of my fingers. My Dad got Glasgow's clerk of the Course Tom McCrone to ask the riders to sign a card for me one night. It must have been Eastbourne because I remember Dean Standing making a point of seeking me out to ask how it happened and how I was, which was a nice touch. He came across as a decent guy and a good rider too.

Simon Wigg
I can still remember to this day my Dad saying to me "that guy with the green leathers is going to be some rider", that was 1980 when Weymouth visited. He wasn't wrong was he? It is about the only thing my Dad has got right in 30 years watching! I think Wiggy's presence is still missed in speedway today.

Steve Schofield
Another who visited with Weymouth and just like my all time favourite Tiger, Merv Janke, he was tiny, probably even smaller than Merv. When he came to the tapes he looked just like a wee boy alongside the others but when the tapes went up what a rider! He rarely failed to impress me when he visited Glasgow.

Les Collins
What can you say about this guy? Always respected by the Tigers fans when he rode for Edinburgh, even more so when he jumped the dyke to ride for The Stripes. The type of rider you could watch all day long. His win in Heat 1 of the 1994 KO Cup Final has to be seen to be believed.

Nigel Sparshott
Another rider sadly no longer with us. I remember seeing him at Blantyre 1 riding for either Young England or the Anglian Juniour League Select - can't remember which. What I do remember though was a rider with a spectacular leg trailing style, although when he visited the Tigers in the subsequent years he was never the same rider I saw that first time.

Brett Saunders
I'm sticking wee bad Brett in at 7, there is no doubt in my mind that the Derby matches especially in the 80's would have been a little duller without Brett to boo. He lapped it up and was a talented rider who I think could have gone further with a bit more dedication. It's amazing to think that his last contribution to a Glasgow-Edinburgh match was a match winning performance for the Tigers against his old club - priceless!

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This article was first published on 28th September 2006

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