Glasgow Speedway Posters By Bill Hamilton
Thanks to Bill Hamilton for sending us these pictures of his collection of old posters. If you click on the picture you can see it in a larger size.

This article was first published on 12th March 2017
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David Pickles:"Many thanks to Bill Hamilton for the Glasgow posters. May 15, 1971 was my one and only visit to Hampden Park. I, along with 3 friends left Hackney after their usual Friday BL match for the long trek north for a Saturday night meeting. We left Waterden Rd around 11pm, stopping a couple of times overnight on the way. I seem to remember snow as we approached the borders around 9am Saturday morning, but Glasgow was just drizzly.
After a quick wash and brush up, it was a boozy lunch in a Glasgow pub (I was only 16 but seemed to get away with it) and then on to the meeting at the vast arena, I think a 7.30 start. Hackney were thrashed 52-26, but we did get to meet our hero Garry Middleton before the meeting and an uneventful journey ended back in Stratford around 1pm on the Sunday afternoon. After that, it was a local bus home, an early dinner courtesy of Mum, then bed sleeping soundly until 7am and ready for school the next day. Very happy memories!"
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