The Golden Greats 1988 By Dudley Jones
I have recently scanned a large collection of colour slides, including a few speedway slides.
These ones taken at the 32,000 crowd event at Coventry may be of interest to readers.
There is a rather nice shot of Briggo relaxing, and one showing him in discussion with Ove Fundin.
The Parker brothers, Jack and Norman, are seen in the cavalcade.
Racing shots show Terry Betts (Kings Lynn) (then 9 years retired but still the star of the show), Norman Hunter (West Ham) Ray Wilson (Leicester Lions), Peter Collins (England), among others.

This article was first published on 7th April 2013

Gary North:"I remember attending a Golden Greats meeting at Coventry with both my parents. Ken McKinlay got on a bike for a ride round. A couple of match races involving PC were great entertainment. I even have some photo's of the day and I think the programme hidden away somewhere. I also attended the World Final at Odsal and was glad I took my camera as I have some good photo's to look back on with fond memories."
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