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LINLITHGOW - Heathersfield Stadium

Home of Linlithgow Lightning from 1994 to 1999

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This article was first published prior to October 2002


  • Ross Darling:

    "Who remembers the great training track in Linlithgow? The fantastic "Linlithgow Lightning" It brought through the likes of Blair scott, Barry campbell, William Lawson, Derek sneddon to name but a few. I spent the latter end of the nineties at the track helping out and had a bike myself "though was never any good" but enjoyed the thrill of being involved in it all. Scottish speedway is surely crying out for a training track to help the youngsters come through!! Not everyone can afford to travel down south every weekend for a good skid on the bike! At the time if it wasnt for the likes of the Alan Robertson's or the Jimmy Smith's of this world I wouldn't of had the great experience of riding a speedway bike. If anyone can relate to this or has a spare field (in Scotland) wanting to be turned into an oval shaped shale bedded track please let us know!! The old track in Berwick (Berrington lough) ( just over the border) came to mind, any thoughts on that one?"

  • Paul McManus:

    "I have great memories of Linlithgow training track. I used to race with Blair Scott, Barry Campbell and a few others at Shawfield and remember doing the Les Collins junior testimonial at Linlithgow in the 90's. I miss racing very much and got distracted with other things in life that were happening at the time and would love for a second chance to try it again. I remember having a bad crash that day in the race with Barry Campbell and Stuart Coleman and have been trying for years to source a video on this meeting, if there is one i would love to find it. I still return to Ashfield now and again but it brings back memories of what I could have been so tend not to go a lot."

  • Jim McIntyre:

    "Did the programme along with Mike Hunter. Took over as team manager to St Austell along with friend Stevie Gilroy. Borrowed two riders to make up the team and lost the match 38-40. Gutted!!!! The video of the Les Collins meeting should be still available from Mike Hunter. "

  • Jim Henry:

    "Happy memories of Linlithgow brought back by the photos. It was a unique wee venue and I organised a few meetings thanks to Alan Robertson making the track available to me. Memories include bizarre ones as follows. We had the disappearing speedway rider in one of the fun meetings I organised. Alan Hartley went into the ditch that ran the length of the infield. Stuart Coleman left the stadium in one of his prangs . He hit the fence which tilted outwards providing a ramp for his flight over the stadium fence. Thankfully Stuart was Ok once we unrolled him out of a strand of barbed wire fence. We had the local cows, probably fed up with grazing, which used to come and watch the racing from the first bend. It is a pity there isn't a training / national league track in Scotland now. "

  • Mark Wilson:

    "Enjoyed watching three or four meetings at Linlithgow. A fantastic facility and it's a real shame there aren't more similar circuits around the country for training riders now."

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