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Dream Team: Henry Martin

I've been a fan of Lakeside/Arena Essex since I can remember. Although i live a fair distance from the arena, I travel up there for every meeting, and sometimes even help out with the track. I was not born during the end of Canterbury speedway, but my passion for speedway led me to watch just about every old video going.

Richardson Adams

Lee Richardson
A rider that doesn't need much of a description. Being a lifelong fan of Lakeside, I got to know Lee quite well, and it was never too much aggravation to have a quick chat - a lovely bloke, and for me, I think his skill was simply incredible. Great team man and a very technical and clever rider.

Leigh Adams
I saw Leigh a few times up at Arena, and he was not an easy man to try and outsmart - not silly, just damn quick and inch perfect, not much more I can say.

Gary Havelock
Although Havvy slowly seemed to 'drop back' after '92, he's a rider I couldn't ignore. I met him up at Lakeside when he was guesting for P'boro, and he was a very funny bloke. On the track, he was solid, dependable and just seemed to always push 1 percent harder when he needed to.

Kenny Carter
No doubt, a terrible act was commited by this guy, and he truly was marmite off the track, but there is no denying that Kenny was, in, his era, much like today's Poole Turbo Twins, an unstopable force of seemingly limitless talent. His talent was incredible.

Simon Stead
He's solid, gets the job done and is a great team asset. 'Nuff said.

Alun Rossiter
Never really went on become one of Speedway's finest, but not many people.can beat his spirit and determination. Very friendly and funny man.

Ivan Mauger
Too young to have seen him, but we all know from at least videos, how good he was.

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This article was first published on 17th February 2013

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