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The Internationale 1967
By Tracy Holmes

On May 29, The Wills Internationale saw the debut of Ivan Mauger, now firmly established in the Big Time.

'EMBASSY FILTER VIRGINIA, the best in smoking. Made by Wills - pacemakers in tobacco.'

Philip Rising tickled the type-writer for 'Speedway Star';

"A superb performance by Gote Nordin, which included two breathtaking rides, won him the Internationale with a 15 point maximum for the second year in succession. And superb is not a word that flatters Nordin. He was all of that and more besides during an evening of fine racing and moderate surprises. He won his first two races in that immaculate style of his and then earned thunderous applause from the packed stadium for a fantastic ride in heat 10. Ivan Mauger, also unbeaten, made the gate and led Nordin for three and a half laps before the popular Swede went full throttle round the outside of the last bend in a manner that needed seeing to be believed. Barry Briggs, who rode despite his leg and arm injuries, won his first race, was beaten by Nordin in his second, fell in his third and then retired from the meeting."

Notable absentee, the mighty Ove Fundin now flat out with his haulage business. But not too busy to go on to win the CZ Golden Helmet and then the World Speedway Final!!!!!


Heat 1. BRIGGS, Hedge, Holmqvist. Nygren ef.
Heat 2. Nordin, N Boocock, Wilson, Harrysson.
Heat 3. E Boocock, Harrfeldt, Jansson, Hunter.
Heat 4. MAUGER, Trigg, Monk. Scott ef.
Heat 5. Nordin, BRIGGS, Monk, Hunter.
Heat 6. E Boocock, N Boocock, Holmqvist. Scott ef.
Heat 7. MAUGER, Jansson, Hedge, Wilson.
Heat 8. Nygren, Harrysson, Trigg, Harrfeldt.
Heat 9. N Boocock, Jansson, Trigg. BRIGGS fall.
Heat 10. Nordin, MAUGER, Harrfeldt, Holmqvist.
Heat 11. Harrysson, Hedge, Hunter, Scott.
Heat 12. Nygren, E Boocock, Monk, Wilson.
Heat 13. Harrfeldt, Wilson, Luckhurst, Betts. BRIGGS inj ns. Scott ns.
Heat 14. Harrysson, Jansson, Holmqvist, Monk.
Heat 15. Nordin, E Boocock, Trigg, Hedge.
Heat 16. MAUGER, Nygren, Hunter, N Boocock.
Heat 17. Harrysson, Luckhurst, E Boocock. MAUGER ef. BRIGGS inj ns.
Heat 18. Holmqvist, Hunter, Wilson, Trigg.
Heat 19. Hedge, N Boocock, Harrfeldt, Monk.
Heat 20. Nordin, Nygren, Betts, Jansson. Scott ns.


Gote Nordin 15. Torbjorn Harrysson 11. IVAN MAUGER 11. Eric Boocock 11. Olle Nygren 10. Nigel Boocock 9. Trevor Hedge 8. Sverre Harrfeldt 7. Bengt Jansson 7. Hasse Holmqvist 6. BARRY BRIGGS 5. Roy Trigg 5. Norman Hunter 4. Ray Wilson 4. Charlie Monk 3. Res Reg Luckhurst 3. Res Terry Betts 1. Jack Scott 0. Soren Sjosten ns.


This article was first published on 16th February 2020

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  • Chris:

    "Gote Nordin never hear much about him. Anyone remember when he rode for Poole and beat Ivan Mauger and broke the track record? I still remember it clearly, what a great rider he was! "  


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