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Dream Team : Karen Bovingdon

Adams Hancock

Leigh Adams
A true gentleman and a great servant to the sport for over 20 years. Makes it look so easy and a great team player for the newbies in the team. Will miss him after 2010 season.

Scott Autrey
Vague memories of him flying around the County ground when I was a little tacker. Loved to see him ride at Exeter with his unique style and 100% effort every time. Typical american and great team rider through and through.

Tony Rickardson
Wow, the next best rider to Ivan "the great" Mauger in my view. Total professional and ambassador for the sport.

Chris Holder
Typical Aussie style and determination to get in the lead. Heart stopping to watch him ride the boards/air fence. Great future with many GPs to come and look forward to seeing him against Emil Sayfutdinov over the next few years. The next Carter/Penhall episode??

Greg Hancock
Love to watch this guy race 4 laps, great style and a real professional at all times. A true master and legend at work. Still a few years in the old dog yet. The race with Pedersen in a GP a few years back will always stick in my mind. Show the dirty dane how it's done Herbie.

Hans Andersen
I got all the time in the world for this guy. Had a slow start in the GP series but he certainly doing the business this time round in 2010. Plus he has won me a couple of quid on a few bets lately. Keep those wheels turning Hans.

Kelvin Tatum
Good rider and always gave it 100% every time. good to see him on a regular basis on Sky with his experience and views on a sport he has been involved with for over 20 years now. "That's Speedway!"

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This article was first published on 5th August 2010

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