Long Eaton Reunion 2013 By Neil Burrows

The Long Eaton Speedway Reunion Group are proud to present the 6th annual reunion on 28th June 2013 on 7.30pm at:
The Silver Prize Band Social Club
11 Salisbury Street
Long Eaton
NG10 1BA
The evening will consist of interviews with former Long Eaton riders, a display of speedway memorabilia, an auction, a dvd show, a raffle (1st prize £50 in cash), entertainment (test your starting reflexes on a speedway bike) and the opportunity for fans to meet former riders.
Everyone is welcome to come along and share in an evening of nostalgia.
Tickets are priced at £6 in advance and £7 on the night, both prices include a full cold buffet.
All proceeds from the evening and the book will go to speedway related charities.
Tickets and more information available from: Peter Wrathall Tel: 01332872187 Mob: 07970419170 Email: wrathall39@tiscali.co.uk
Please also visit website: longeatoninvaders.co
This article was first published on 19th May 2013
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