EDINBURGH - Marine Gardens
Home of Edinburgh Speedway from 1928 to 1939
Pictures courtesy of David Beecroft

This article was first published on 24th September 2009

Harry Marsh:
"Nice to see the picture of the track at Portobello. I was only very young at the time, and
my father broke the track record there racing for the Belle Vue Midget Car Team in Heat 9
on the 2nd July 1938. The reason for this time was the fact that Dad's throttle had stuck
fully open at the start line. Another story he told me was that the track was laid on a
foundation of bricks which became exposed at times. He had the mis-fortune to get hit
by a half-brick on his cork helmet from a car in front. It cracked his helmet half way
through! You could say he was fortunate as he suffered a bad head ache!"
Chris Stockwell:"Interesting photos. And interesting name on the final photo, ALEX FERGUSON, so that's what he did before he went to Man Utd!!!! And doesn't he look well for his age? Which must be over a hundred."
Brian Alexander:"Interesting pics of Marine Gardens. The site is now a bus
garage (built in 1958). The spectator banking on the right of the pic is still there, now grassed over and the location of the track is now the car park. The houses in
the background are still there (King's Road). I worked as a driver there from 1975 to 1997. "
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