The Mystery Rider from 1948

Bill Hamilton would love to know who this rider is, he explains:
"This photograph was given to me late 1969 / 1970 by someone who supported the Glasgow Tigers
in the mid - late 40's. If I recall correctly even the original owner of
the photo didn't know who it was.
Over the years I've tried to find information
about him, but even after all this time he's still a mystery.
Actually, I recall taking it along to the Paisley
reunion in 2011, and showed it to Bill Elliot, Neil Macfarlane and James
Grieves Snr. ( and possibly Brian Collins ) but again, no luck.
So, any assistance in putting a name to
the unknown rider would be most welcome."
The photograph is autographed and dated on the back, but even that hasn't helped Bill to identify this chap.
You can click on these pictures to see them in a larger size.
Please Contact Us if you know who he he was.

This article was first published on 1st May 2017
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