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The New IMS - California

Words and Pictures by Cary Cotterman

Twenty-two years after the lights went out for the last time at the original IMS (Inland Motorcycle Speedway) in San Bernardino, California, a new IMS (Inland Motorsport Speedway) has opened in nearly the same spot, only about 200 feet north of the original track site.

Professional hockey player, speedway rider, and speedway promoter Jason Bonsignore has done a brilliant job duplicating the look and atmosphere of the old IMS, which was noted for its well-groomed track and exciting racing.

The tapes went up for the first time on Friday, June 19, 2009 before grandstands filled to capacity, with Eddie Castro winning the first heat. The evening's final was won by Josh Larsen.

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May 16, 2009. The dirt base for the track has been shaped, but it appears that the 'shale' (decomposed granite) track surface has not yet been applied.

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Little more than a week to go before opening night, but the safety fence and seating are only half finished.

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Friday, June 19, 2009. It's seven o'clock, and spectators queue at the ticket booth.

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The announcer's platform and the north bend.

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The front straightaway, looking toward the north bend.

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The front straightaway, looking toward the pits bend.

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The back straightaway, looking toward the north bend.

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Riders and mechanics prepare in the pits.

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Another view into the pits.

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The tapes go up for the first time and a new speedway is born! (L to R) Danny Faria, Eddie Castro, Tim Gomez, and Shawn McConnell.

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