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Dream Team : Nige Burton

I have been a Reading fan since 1977, and I have seen a fair few riders that might not of won world titles but were excellent team riders and I have put together my dream team for you.


Dave Jessup
My first speedway hero, the most unluckiest rider not to have won the world title at least once. Excellent captain all round.

Bernie Leigh
What needs to be said about this rider. Always there to gee up others in the team always gave 100% on and off the track, the first rider to offer his bike if yours hit mechanical trouble.

Danny Bird
I know he's a current rider but Danny always gives a good show wherever he rides and is always the first to gee up others. A true nice guy of the sport.

Bob Humphries
Good rider and always capable of beating the best on his day. I remember doing a sponsored walk round Smallmead and Bob showed up to support us as he said we always support the riders so he wanted to show us the same support. All round nice guy.

John Davis
Glamourpuss! John was an inspirational captain in 1980, always had time for us fans and stood for ages after meetings signing autographs and posing for pictures. I was chuffed to meet up with him a few years ago and he actually remembered me.

The late Denny Pyeatt
It's with a touch of sadness that I name Denny, I remember one meeting where he wasn't riding so he came and stood with us as a fan on the back straight. Always rode with his heart on his sleeve giving 100%. Always had that cheeky grin on his face and always stayed to sign autographs and generally chat with us.

Tony Briggs
Was never going to live up to the pressure put on him by the media, but Tony always tried his best on the track. It was unfortunate the way his career ended but he still is like his dad a great guy.

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This article was first published on 15th February 2007

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