Noel Johnson Memorial By Tony Webb

A headstone has now been placed on the unmarked grave of Brisbane lad, Pioneer rider Noel Johnson.
Noel lost his life at Plymouth Speedway in Devon, England on August 25 1931, He has laid in an unmarked grave for 85 years!
Exeter historian Tony Lethbridge and his Australian counterpart Tony Webb have worked tirelessly for eight years for this outcome.Tony Webb negotiated with Noel's Brisbane family for permissions and correct wording. A Brisbane lawyer drew up the documents free of charge to complete the legal process. Exeter speedway directors have supported the fund.
Now we have a result, the headstone is in place. The Johnson family have presented Tony Webb with personal items, photos, trophy and passport. These items will be added to the existing display at the Queensland motorsport museum speedway section in Ipswich.QLD.
The two Tonys wish to thank everyone who has stuck with us to get Noel's grave recognised.
Click on the picture to see a larger view of the headstone
This article was first published on 23rd July 2016
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