SCUNTHORPE - Quibell Park
Home of Scunthorpe Saints 1971 - 1978
Pictures courtesy of Richard Hollingsworth

This article was first published on 8th January 2005

Tony Gillias:
"Happy memories of my spell as a 'Saint' in 1975 and 1976, except when I had a coming
together with Jack Millen, resulting in a broken collar bone and in the my first meeting
back colliding with Kevin Jolly and ending up on the cycle track and another broken
collar bone. It does not seem like 30 years ago it is all so vivid. At the beginning of
each meeting the bikes were lined up on the track, in front of the grandstand, the
riders then marched to the tune 'While the Saints go marching in'. Whenever I hear that
song it reminds me of Scunthorpe Speedway."
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