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Race Jacket Collection
By Tom Newey

My name is Tom Newey; I am 23 years old and work as a technician on the Apache attack helicopter in the British Army. Originally from Stockport, I am currently based at Wattisham airfield in Suffolk.

My collection started when I bought Eric Broadbelt's race jacket from Peter Collins' testimonial meeting. It is signed by all present at the meeting. From that point my collection has grown to over 80 jackets with clubs from all over the UK being represented, however my main areas of interest are the Belle Vue Aces, Stoke Potters and Sheffield Tigers. Within my collection I have two world final jackets, 1988 & 1990. Along with race jackets I have collected other speedway memorabilia including Bell helmets, 'monkey' masks, boots and have started to build a couple of replica bikes.

My aim with the collection is to have a Belle Vue race jacket from every year 1975-1999, currently I have 1977,78,79,82,84,86,89,90,96,98. Without doubt my favourite jacket is the 1989 Piccidilly Aces number one; this jacket belonged to Shawn Moran and is signed by the man himself. Another special Aces one in the collection is from 1982, the year Belle Vue won the British League.

The jackets that have been the hardest to find are the Stoke 'Abacus' Potters jackets from 1990 and 1991. Stoke changed their colours from the traditional red and white to yellow and blue for these two seasons. After a long time searching Mark Carlson gave me his jacket which I am very grateful for. In the end two came up at once when I bought David Clarke's. Adding these jackets virtually completed my collection of Stoke jackets as I now have a run from 1978 to 1991, including 1979 and 1986 NLRC winning jackets worn by Ian Gledhill and Paul Thorp respectively, with the only exception being 1983. One of my earliest memories of watching speedway was watching Cradley in 1996 when they raced at Stoke. I have a jacket from that season which is very special to me.

I am always looking to add to my collection of Belle Vue jackets, I pay top prices for them however most jackets that I have are available for swap deals. I enjoy enhancing other peoples' collections by swapping jackets so please get in touch if you have something to swap.

My email address is t_newey@hotmail.co.uk


This article was first published on 22nd June 2014


  • Tracy Holmes:

    "Classic Collection, thanks for sharing it!"

  • Adrian McKinlay:

    "That's an amazing collection, I often get Dad's jackets out and think about everything they were involved in, especially the West Ham, Leicester Hunters, World Final and GB/Lions jackets. Even after some 60 years the smell of castrol, methanol and cinders is still there, it's like smelling history!"

  • Tony Unwin:

    "Adrian, your dad was one of the most stylish riders ever to grace a speedway track. It was a privilege to see him race whatever race jacket he was wearing."

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