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Ralph Smith's Line Drawings

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Ralph Smith used to mechanic for riders at Stoke, Crewe, Halifax, Ellesmere Port, Sheffield and Belle Vue. He moved to the States in 1988 on a two week contract and is still there 25 years later. He's now retired and has taken up drawing as a hobby. Here are some examples of his work that are destined to appear on the walls of the Garage Mahal speedway museum when it reopens.

Ivan Blacka

Glen Belcher

Ivan Mauger

Vintage Riders

Dennis Sigalos

Phil Collins

Kyle Bickley

Peter Craven

Thanks to Ivan Blacka for his help with this feature


This article was first published on 22nd September 2013


  • Ann Armstrong:

    "Fantastic drawings by my big brother over the pond in the USA! So proud of him. Ann & family x"

  • Martin Teraud:

    "Excellent stuff"

  • Maureen Schooling:

    "These drawings are perfect in every way. Amazing concentration & dedication Ralph. Amazing eye skills, I think they are wonderful."

  • Amy Armstrong:

    "So proud of my Uncle Ralphy, fantastic drawings. Hope one day I can be as good as him!"

  • David Hudson:

    "Ralph's work is truly fantastic he brings years of speedway experience gained over years of being a mechanic for riders, tuning and customising engines and also as a fan and enthusiast of our great sport, his artwork brings all his enthusiasm, his empathy for his subjects and countless years of speedway experience to blend into truly fantastic works of art. I know Ralph won't mind me telling you that he only started doing these fantastic pieces when he retired from his full time job working for a aircraft manufacturer and has no formal art training, which in itself makes Ralph's work even more amazing. With Ralph's attention to detail I only wish he had been my engine tuner / mechanic when I was racing!!! Truly fantastic Ralph keep up the good work I love it!"

  • Derek Young:

    "Great drawings and would like to see more of his work"

  • Tony Webb:

    "Superb line drawings. Would like to see one of Sam Ermolenko."

  • John Hyam:

    "I hope that efforts are being made to ensure the preservation of Ralph Smith's art work? His drawings are among the finest I have seen. "

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