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The Speedway Researcher

Over 13 years ago the Speedway Researcher magazine was launched in a bid to put those interested in speedway history in touch with each other. The editors Jim Henry and Graham Fraser have published the magazine on a quarterly basis since then and it has seen a large number of historians and enthusiasts pool information, produce some fantastic pieces of research, and even publish their findings. Some members of embarked on ambitious projects and some have been smaller but the result has been that a lot of people know a lot more about the sport than they did in 1998. Contributors have submitted numerous articles on all sorts of different subjects and there will be something of interest for most speedway enthusiasts. The editors are keen to cover a wide range of topics and would welcome your articles for publication.

A later development was the Speedway Researcher web site which was set up by Ron McNeil and which has been re-designed and re-launched over the past few months under the stewardship of Matt Jackson. Although the site carries some articles of interest, the main feature is the collations of meeting results and fixtures. The results can be accessed either by team or by year and this being steadily developed as the weeks go by. Highlights include results from the little known Caxton track near Cambridge in the early 1930s, the results from tracks like Salford and Barnsley in 1928 and some meticulous files covering both Coventry tracks - Brandon and Lythalls Lane. You can download information you need free of charge and, if you can provide additional information, your help will be greatly appreciated.

A major recent addition to the site has been the submission of files from the respected historian Bob Ozanne which show details the Southern League of 1929. It is believed that this is the first time that comprehensive results of this league have ever been published.

The website is funded by subscriptions to the magazine and if the site is to continue in the long term Jim and Graham would like more people to take a copy of the mag, back issues of which can be found on line. It is great value at £5.00 for four editions inclusive of P & P and contact details can be found on the website www.speedwayresearcher.org.uk (or write to Jim at 90 Greenend Gardens, Edinburgh, EH17 7QH)

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