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Dream Team : Scott Frame

I am 21 years old and have been going to speedway since 1997, regularly attending Armadale and Ashfield (Shawfield before the switch in 1999). I support the Monarchs but still like to see the other half do well because at the end of the day we all love to see exciting Speedway.


Carl Stonehewer
I first seen "Stoney" at Armadale back in 1997 when he was riding for Long Eaton. They needed a 5-1 in the last heat and he and Martin Dixon (who became the first away rider to score a maximum at Armadale that night) pulled it off, from then on he became my speedway hero. What he has done in the sport is truly remarkable, reaching Grand Prix level whilst riding in the PL is something only a true great of the sport could have done. Workington fans are lucky to have a living legend at their club.

Kenny McKinna
Kenny McKinna is one of the most likeable riders not just in Scotland but throughout Britain, from Exeter to Newcastle everyone knew and loved his bubbly character. Monarchs and Tigers fans alike will agree that he is a true ambassador for the sport in Scotland. His never say die attitude, on the bike he nicknamed "the beast", made him a legend in both the East and West of Scotland. A true Scottish Speedway legend.

Les Collins
Another who has given great service to both half of Scotland. Les won the fours competition with Edinburgh in the same team as Kenny McKinna. He rode for Glasgow when they where going through a bit of a transitional period but no one could ever doubt his attitude and effort. Tapes to flag he gave 110% am sure all fans of every club will agree that he is a British legend!

Peter Carr
Peter came out of retirement in 1997 to ride for Edinburgh, ended the season a winner of the KO Cup, helped the Monarchs finish 3rd in the PL and best of all the Premier League's Rider's Champion which he won at Coventry's Brandon Stadium - a night Monarchs fans will never forget. Peter ended the season with an average touching 10 points. The Motor, as he is known to all Monarchs' fans, became Monarch's No.1 rider for 6 seasons after that and is in the hearts of all Edinburgh's fans with maximum after maximum at Armadale and his passes on the kerb were breathtaking. Armadale legend!

Mark Loram
To watch Mark Loram win his World Championship in 2000 is my favourite speedway memory. I think everyone in Britain was behind him that night. By winning the World Championship he raised Speedway's profile in Britain and more money was invested into the sport. Every fan I know loves to watch Mark as the way he moves on the bike and different lines he takes getting every last drop of speed out of his machine is breathtaking. Loram is another who is a British Speedway legend.

Sam Ermolenko
Sudden Sam first came to Armadale back in 1998 to ride in Kenny McKinna's testimonial meeting "The Gathering". Sam let no-one down and nobody got near him the whole night - he was first class. Sam is a true ambassador for Speedway, anytime he is on the television you can just see how he loves the sport. Of course, the pinnacle of his career came in 1993 when he became World Champion.

Tony Rickardsson
Rider of his generation, maybe the best rider ever, I have never seen him ride and if I do not see him it will be a major regret. Tony is immaculate - tapes to flag, hardly misses a start, hardly makes a mistake. He is a superstar of the sport. Seems from television to be one of the sport's nicest guys, but ultra-determined. The best there is. The best there was and the best there ever will be.

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This article was first published on 17th August 2006

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