Sunderland Reunion 2010 By Bob Ferry
 | George Barclay and Russ Dent at an earlier reunion |
Yes it's 10 years since our first reunion way back in 2000.
10 years and running!
The reunion will be held on Saturday 13th November 2010 at 7pm, in the Harbour Suite at the LITTLE HAVEN HOTEL, South Shields.
Your chance to meet the Sunderland "Stars" again, as well as the many other guests that thrilled us over the years.
There will be a first class buffet, the usual giant raffle, disco, memorabilia, old film footage of the riders. We also hope to have Jeff Brown
(BBC Sports) back on the "mike" to host the evening and interview the riders (to be confirmed, subject to availability)
The evening will be from 7-00pm until late!
Tickets �12
Anyone interested should contact Bob Ferry on 0191 5365064
Or Ian Martin on 0191 5656094. (An early response would be welcome, to help with the administration)
We're back .... and running .... and keen as ever to see some old, and new faces once again.
We promise to offer you some good old fashioned Northern hospitality!
Make a date and don't be late.
This article was first published on 1st July 2010
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