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Dream Team : Terri Hearty

I'm an Aces fan that lives 60 miles from the track but goes every race I can manage - missing only one home meeting in 2007. I have speedway in the blood as my father rode second halves in the 60s and 70s at Eastbourne, Hull, Odsal and Halifax.


Jason Crump
He was the first rider I remember seeing, and the first I saw win a race. He's a great rider who more often than not scores near-maximums.

Peter Collins
He was world champion in the 70's, and my Dad's name is all over the front of one of his bikes! Plus he once switched the side of his clutch so he could ride with a shattered wrist, and I admire bravery.

Chris Harris
A good rider, up and coming who can hold his own home and away, and can be bothered when guesting for a club.

Joe Screen
A steadfast member of Belle Vue who seems to have been riding forever, he can still score and win races. He was the second rider I remember seeing.

Ivan Mauger
Mauger is seen as one of the sport's best ever riders, and would stand up to any of the others.

Billy Forsberg
A new discovery in British speedway, from Sweden Billy has almost constantly scored highly in a lacklustre 2007 season for Belle Vue and has the potential to be a champion.

Adam Skornicki
Every team needs an entertainer, and Skornicki is great for this. Although not a top rider he provided entertainment in a dull season of losses and he's a true character.

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This article was first published on 8th November 2007


  • John Pharaoh:

    "Interesting to see the name Shane Hearty after all these years: as a Wimbledon fan of the '60's and 70's, I seem to recall that he also featured in their junior ranks for a while, plus...he had a 'bike goodies/clothing/accessories shop in Sydenham (I think!) which is probably how he came to sponsor P.C. Any chance of a feature/interview with Terri's dad in the future, please?"

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