Tom Black - You Have Two Minutes By Tracy Holmes
Tracy Holmes puts Tom Black On Two Minutes;
What are you up to these days?
I'm still working a few days a week. Me and my son James go fishing when conditions are suitable. I keep his CRF 450 Honda working, he thrashes the hell out of it!
How's the health?
Pretty good but have a lot of atheritic joints, gotta get my right knee X-rayed soon.
Any family stuff you would like to share?
I am a first time grandfather. James and his partner just had a little girl, named her Bianca Black.
Congratulations mate! How are you enjoying Speedway at Moore Park?
Yes I really enjoy it! I would like to see more overseas type meetings, they are really good. There are some great riders around now.
Any message for friends and fans?
Oh just say hello and wish I was 50 years younger and still riding.
Thanks ever so much Tom, enjoy the fishin and that little grandaughter; see you at the track!
This article was first published on 18th March 2012

Ivan Blacka:"What a coincidence. I just got a puppy a minature schauzer all black. Guess what her name is. (Bianca Blacka) "
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