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Ronnie Moore - You Have Two Minutes
By Tracy Holmes

Tracy Holmes puts Ronnie Moore 'on two minutes' ;

What are you up to these days?

"Just being a normal person, gardening and work about the house."

And how's the health?

"Other than hearing loss which affects my balance, I am not too bad."

How has Moore Park worked out for you?

"From a bit of rough land to what we have now and what we have produced in the way of riders, terrific!"

What Kiwi riders do think may have a big future?

"Grant Tregoning, Andrew Aldridge, Dale Finch and Daniel McKinlay."

[ I would add Jade Mudgway and Sean Mason to that list. And I wonder if Daniel McKinlay never got over being cheated out of winning the 2001 NZ Championship. With the NZ Final at Moore Park this season, perhaps he is all out to finally put it right?! ]

Any messages for your friends and fans?

"There are plans ahead for my 80th birthday which will involve speedway but that is for 2013."

Thanks for that Ron, you made it in good time. Enjoy the races !!!


This article was first published on 8th December 2011


  • Ian Graham:

    "Great little article Tracy. The comment about Daniel McKinlay being cheated out of the 2001 NZ Title, I assume you mean the little ankle tap on Graham Hartshorne at Ruapuna. Had a perfect view of that one and it was a real 50/50. Yes there was contact, but enough to make a rider fall....??"

  • Bob Griffin:

    "Ronnie Moore really was a one off. Watching him show the young Tommy jansson how to ride plough lane and then watching Tommy put it into practise ( very effectively) was a treat to behold. Have a great framed photo by Mike Patrick ( black and white of course) signed to my wife of 40 years Chris of Mirac on his JAP at full chat...memories were made of such things. One other note I knew Cyril Maidment when he was team manager at Wimbledon, mainly because I had managed to get my company to sponsor some second half events, I also visit tenerife twice a year and get dragged to the market in Los Cristianos, only found out three years ago that the man taking the money from stall holders was Cyril, sadly I did;nt recognose him it would have been good to chat."

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