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You Have Two Minutes....
By Tracy Holmes

Geoff Mardon (left)

Geoff Mardon

What are you up to these days?

Not much, still fiddling with motorcycles. Doing the odd restoration.

How's the health?

Been a bit off lately, trouble with the hips, not too bad. Hope to get back to golf soon.

Any family stuff you would like to share?

Have just become a great grandad twice over!

Do you follow speedway these days?

Not much these days, just the GPs now and then.

Any message for fans and friends?

I find these are getting fewer by the day but always good to meet up, when we do meet up!

Ian Ross

What are you up to these days?

I purchased a property, five an a half acres, north of Auckland, approx one hour from my house in Auckland. I'm a very busy person clearing the property which was in a bad state.

Any family stuff you would like to share?

My son Nick went to the UK for his O/E 7 years ago and forgot to come home. Getting married to a beautiful Hungarian girl. Hope she has got a pretty sister waiting for me! My daughter Amber is in Oz, just bought a house with her partner on the Gold Coast.

What's your favourite speedway memory?

Winning the Auckland Champs after a run-off with Bryce Subritsky. And going to England with Bob Andrews.

Any message for friends and fans?

Still keep in touch with a lot of people but always enjoy meeting up with those who had contacts in speedway.

Jim Wells

What are you up to these days?

Still working just, for Ted Tracey. Have done for 14 years.

Any family stuff you would like to share?

Married to Patricia 37 years now. 2 children, Vicki in Perth. Paul in Auckland. 3 Grandchildren.

What's your involvement with Speedway these days?

I just watch now, go to Rosebank when there is a Title meeting and the Internationals.

What's your favourite Speedway memory?

Being picked to ride for Young Australasia while riding in England and scored 15 points.

Any message for friends and fans?

Best wishes to all in NZ and UK.

Roger Wright

Roger Wright

What are you up to these days?

Retired, on John Key's [NZ Prime Minister] payroll. Restoring classic motorbikes mainly Ariel. Go to the pub on Thursdays and have a few beers with Ronnie [Moore] and a few of the old speedway boys.

How's the health?

Health is good, a few old speedway knocks appear now and then.

Any family stuff you would like to share?

Not really. All well and a grandfather.

Do you see much speedway these days?

Don't go to Templeton because it's cars only! Go out to Moore Park, a good day out.

Any message for friends and fans?

Not really, they all know my number.


This article was first published on 15th July 2012

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