The Vestry Museum in Walthamstow By Robert Rogers
Speedway fans might be interested in this programme from Midget Car racing from the Vestry Museum at Walthamstow.

They also have the famous John Player cards album of speedway riders.

Nothing else on Speedway, so when I asked about the Walthamstow Wolves (also Lea Bridge would come under this Museum), got a very blank look, and the now normal response when you mention Speedway, "I did not realise we had speedway in the area" (to be honest the more famous Walthamstow Greyhounds never got a mention either!), still it was nice to be able to tell historians something about their own history!
Talk about the Cinderella Sport, blimey even she was more known than Speedway!!
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This article was first published on 14th November 2017
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