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HACKNEY - Waterden Road

Pictures by Mark Meynell in 1993. Courtesy of Steve Harland.

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This article was first published on 3rd May 2005


  • Brian Longman:

    "Although these photographs were taken a couple of years after Hackney Speedway closed this is pretty much how I will always remember the stadium from my regular Friday night visits between 1976 - 1991. The first photo shows the back straight stand (big enough to be a main stand at many tracks) and the perimeter barrier. To get the closest viewing position it was possible to get underneath the handrail and lever yourself up to sit on the rail and place your programme board on the mesh fencing. The second photo shows the main entrance turnstiles in Waterden Road, there was a second entrance at the north of the stadium near the tote board. The yellow door was used as a separate entrance for season ticket holders.

    The third photo shows the main grandstand and in the middle is the referee�s box. The grandstand had a canteen and two bars in the enclosed section, and an open terracing with seating and a track shop next to the pits. There were also track shops on bends 1 and 2 plus a large wooden supporters club kiosk on bend 1. The fourth photo shows the Vic Harding Lounge on bend 4, this was used as a social area for riders, track staff and supporters after the racing ended. Bends 3 and 4 were mainly grassed banking with trees and were rarely used by spectators. Thanks to Mark for taking these and Steve for making them available to this website. "

  • Canvey Bal:

    "My beloved Hackney - God I miss this place. Although now an avid Lakeside Hammers fan, NOTHING will ever erase my memories of Waterden Road. I'd also say (and being totally unbiased) that we had the very best, and fairest, racing track in speedway. At a time when our great sport is consistently being served up on ultra slick circuits, many of us are lucky enough to remember the likes of Barry Thomas and Zenon Plech riding the boards at Waterden Road and overtaking from the back. If only I could find a time machine - it would be set for Friday at 8 - location: Waterden Road - The Home of my Hackney Hawks!"

  • Norman Good:

    "The most memorable race I ever saw was what I thought to be was in one of the London ( Southern ) Riders Championships ( ? ) in the late 1970’s held at Hackney Stadium. It was four of the most compelling laps I have ever seen and was of Martin Yeates chasing the immaculate Billy Saunders – unsuccessfully. Boy did that lad try. I have tried to look up the record of this meeting but can not find anything relating to it. Any ideas. I wonder if Len Silver could remember this event of his. If only I could trace Martin now, to congratulate him on what must have been his finest race ( match race decider ) in which he came second."

  • Jim Henry:

    "Was at Hackney for a 4TT and Alan Mogridge was something else. 3 times he came from the back in spectacular fashion to win. 4th time out Alan overccoked his pass and went through the fence. Thankfully he wasn't badly hurt. "

  • Brian Willers:

    "It's a shame that the speedway is not there any more, I miss going every Friday."

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