WIENER NEUSTADT - Austria By Nick Pattison

This article was first published on 4th November 2012

C.Weber:"But this is NOT the well known Wiener Neustadt Speedway Stadium, which once hosted a SGP and many international meetings in the 1980s and 90s. That former speedway stadium in Wiener Neustadt has since been transformed into a football only stadium. Shown on these pictures is the former training track of the Wiener Neustadt club, which in the last couple of seasons has been upgrated and is now used for race meetings. The track is located at Eggendorf, several miles out of town. "
Nick Pattison:"Yes Mr Weber, I appreciate your explanation and in depth knowledge. But, when I was in Austria last year the offical OAMTC register showed the Eggendof track as the home of Zweigverein Wiener Neustadt, not the old stadium in town."
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