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Wouldn't It Be Nice If.....

  • The World Championship went down to the wire occasionally?

  • The best riders in the league appeared in the league riders championship?

  • We knew the fixtures more than a fortnight before the season started?

  • Track protection was in place so that meetings would not be called off due to inclement weather hours before the meeting is scheduled to start?

  • New promoters weren't always disillusioned and skint by the end of their first season?

  • The sport didn't have to artificially inflate scores to make meetings appear competitive?

  • Riders didn't ride for one team one week and against them the next?

  • Teams weren't subject to dramatic change from one season to the next?

  • Bog standard domestic meetings didn't rely on competitors flying in from all around Europe?

  • The rules on awarding races were so simple that even team managers would know them?

  • Admission prices were such that middle-to-low income families could afford to attend on a regular basis?

  • The mainstream press covered the sport?

    Please use the feedback form at the bottom of the page to suggest additions to the list.


    This article was first published on 18th October 2007


  • Kevin Twohigg:

    "Each rider only raced for one club. When I tell friends that riders can "double-up" between leagues and that they may also race for clubs in Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Germany and the Czech Republic, they look at me as though I'm mentally ill! It would also be nice if there was more dirt on the track than in the car park!"

  • Stephen Roberts:

    "I agree with most of the above points. I haven't been to speedway for 6 years now having been a fan for 32 years! Those running the sport have big problems. At the time I anticipated the effect the Grand Prix would have on the domestic scene and have been proved right. SKY TV have manipulated the sport for its own good. I don't agree with Play-Offs and daft rules (double points) and a points limit which means that riders no longer become automatic choices at the start of every season. Instead fans have to endure a system where they can no longer relate with their team and chosen favourites. Too many foreigners with no loyalty to their teams causes disruption and race nights altering to accomodate Grand Prix fixtures. Lack of continuity doesn't help and I fear for the sport. I grew up watching speedwau during the 70's, 80's and 90's and feel that those days have long gone. RIP"

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