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Ivan Mauger V Britain's Best
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How to halt the decline
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NZ v Poland - 3rd Test
NZ v Poland - 4th Test
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Can You Help?

Are you in a position to offer assistance to a fellow speedway fan? Check out the requests below and see if you can make these people just that little bit happier.

We're happy to include your requests for help on this page. Email us full details at speedwayplus@hotmail.com

Name: Caroline Young
Email: caro_young6@hotmail.com
Date Added: 31/08/2014

I am a long lost relative of Jack Young and have lost all contact with any family that still lives in Australia. I myself live in Edinburgh and am desperately keen to find any information on Jack Young and relatives. If anyone has any thing at all that would help me trace relatives I would be so happy.

Name: Tony Capewell
Email: tonycapewell5@hotmail.com
Date Added: 24/08/2014

I am trying to locate a copy of a photograph of Ivor Brown. This would be from 19th July 1963 when he won the Silver Helmet at Wolverhampton. His photo was taken with a woman and she rode around the track on the back of his bike. This woman is my mother and we have searched for this photo with no luck. We would be truly grateful if you could use your resources and see if you can locate a copy. Her name was Patricia Timmins at the time.

Name: Annette Tambling
Email: annietambling@icloud.com
Date Added: 27/07/2014

Looking for more info on Peter Lansdale Wembley rider in the 40's & 50s, I used to baby sit for him and used to go to meetings with Peter's friend Al Simpson.

Name: Emma Lee
Email: boadicea21@gmail.com
Date Added: 06/07/2014

I read your article in Speedway about the Chads and wondered if you have any recollection of a rider called Frank Briggs? I would really appreciate any info you had or anywhere you think I might find out information about him. He apparently came from Manchester and rode with the Chads around 1950/51.

Name: Stuart Jenkins
Email: stuartj@sunuparc.org
Date Added: 06/07/2014

Is there anybody out there that has any pictures of Dennis Jenkins?

Name: Graham Gleave
Email: grahamgleave1945@gmail.com
Date Added: 08/06/2014

I wonder if any fans could help with my collection of Belle Vue/Rochdale programmes. I am trying to get the folowing progs:

Belle Vue aways:

Bradford 9/6/90 4tt, 21/9/97
Bristol 13/6/52,3/10/52
Birmingham 27/9/12 ko cup
Canterbury 27/9/69
Coventry v Eastbourne 29/6/12 Colts 2nd half
Norwich 11/6/53, 16/10/54, 25/5/62, 28/6/63
Oxford 9/8/62
Poole 23/9/57
Sheffield 3/10/46, 3/7/47, 21/4/60, 7/4/77
Lonigo 11/7/77
Vargarna 8/10/50
Eskilltuna 10/10/50
Leningrad 7/10/67, 11/10/69, 9/10/71

Belle Vue homes:

Belle Vue v Wembley 11/8/51

Rochdale aways:

Berwick 1/7/70
Teeside 16/7/70
Bradford 26/10/70
Ipswich 1/10/70
Long Eaton 24/9/70
Crewe 18/5/70, 26/10/70
Workington 24/4/70, 23/10/70
Hull 23/8/71
Teeside 3/6/71

Name: Alan Thompsett
Email: alanthompsett@hotmail.co.uk
Date Added: 13/04/2014

In Eastbourne's double winning season of 1977 the club staged a special challenge match. Eastbourne Past v Ipswich Witches. (The current GOBL champions versus the very best of recent Arlington talent). The meeting also featured a pairs tournament and was sponsored by Gulf Oil. Does anyone have any recollections of this meeting, photos, pictures etc?

Name: Terry Hooke
Email: pendrea33@aol.co.uk
Date Added: 19/01/2014

Can you help me with the results of the 3 speedway races held at London White City on 24 May 1957 during an event know as Cavalcade of Speed. 2 heats and a final contested between Barry Briggs, Split Waterman, Aub Lawson and Cyril Roger. I have the event programme but not the results.

Name: Emma Romaine
Email: via http://www.kingslynnstars-unofficial.com/contact.php
Date Added: 15/12/2013

I have an unofficial fansite up and running for the King's Lynn Stars and I'm currently looking for old stadium photos of Saddlebow Road (now the Norfolk Arena). I'd like to include them in my old photos section to show how the stadium has changed over the years. I was looking for others to pass on their own photos to me and of course, I'd give credit to the people concerned.

Name: Sylvia Wheeler
Email: sylviawheeler@outlook.com
Date Added: 15/12/2013

I am looking for any information about Riskit Riley who had quite a reputation as a motor Bike rider in the 30s and 40s. My father was his mechanic at Belle Vue Speedway Manchester in the late 20s.

Name: Rasmus Terkelsen
Email: rasmus@speedwayzone.dk
Date Added: 01/12/2013

I looking for info about this race jacket... Can someone help me??

Name: Sarah Sinclair
Email: sjsinclair@me.com
Date Added: 01/12/2013

I am wondering if any of your readers would remember Arthur Warwick who rode in the 1930. I don't think he raced after the war. I read Ron Butcher's post and Ron would have been the man to help me with the information I am after as Ron worked for Arthur Warwick in the 1950's in Arthur's Warwick's Car and Motor Cycle Showroom, situated Barking Road, West Ham. I would appreciate any help for information on Arthur from anyone that remembers him or knew him.

Name: David Mcguire
Email: davmkt@hotmail.co.uk
Date Added: 13/10/2013

I am a 66 yr old speedway fan and I remember as a boy reading an article in either the Lion, Tiger or Eagle Annual for boys round about the early 1950's about a speedway star called Nipper Harris who lost as finger whilst riding in a race. Can anyone help me with any more details about this forgotten star?

Name: John Gallon
Email: j.gallon@virgin.net
Date Added: 29/09/2013

I have recently heard of a cartoon strip speedway character called Skid Sprocket drawn by Reg Smythe (of Andy Capp fame) but can't find any info or examples of the cartoon. I would be grateful for any help.

Name: Tania van Riel
Email: compuskill@internode.on.net
Date Added: 04/08/2013

I am researching our family history and wonder if you have any details of a motorbike rider from Australia who spent time I suspect in the 40's & early 50's with teams in UK/ Ireland/ Scotland as I understand it.

My Uncle was Merv Harding from Adelaide, SA. I suspect he was an older team member when John Boulger also from Adelaide was first starting. I also have bundles of my mother's photos to go through so goodness knows what they may reveal.

Name: Bryn Hayward
Email: l.hayward@ntlworld.com
Date Added: 04/08/2013

Does anybody remember Dave Tamplin a rider for Poole?

Name: Barry Dalton
Email: bazzer53@googlemail.com
Date Added: 14/07/2013

Could any avid speedway followers please help me please in trying to complete my own personal collection of Peterborough Panthers programmes. I am desperate to find the following,if at all they actually exist:

20/11/1976 Crewe v Peterborough...... Training school meeting
01/02/1976 Mildenhall v Peterborough............Training school meeting
04/12/1976 Kings Lynn v Peterborough........Training school meeting
03/07/1978 Kings Lynn juniors v Peterborough......Junior challenge
03/08/1981 Kings Lynn juniors v Peterborough......Junior challenge
09/10/1988 Mildenhall v Peterborough.......Challenge meeting (rained off)
25/10/1985 Peterborough v National League select......Challenge
03/06/1994 Peterborough Jubilee Trophy......Individual open meeting
21/07/1994 Peterborough Frank Barney Trophy...Individual open meeting
06/09/2002 Newport v Peterborough.... (Cancelled)
20/09/2002 Newport v Peterborough...(Rained off)
23/03/2003 Mildenhall,Boston & Peterborough....3 Team tournament
28/05/2012 Wolverhampton v Peterborough.....Elite League
04/07/2012 Kings Lynn v Coventry ( K.Lynn juniors v Thundercats) Anglian Junior League

Name: James Nelson
Email: Jimbo7760@yahoo.co.uk
Date Added: 12/05/2013

I recently discovered that Leyton had a sppedway team. I live in the Leyton Area, I believe they were called Lea Bridge or Clapton Tigers, not sure of my info. If anybody can share any info, it would be helpful, many thanks.

Name: Janice Crooks
Email: janicecrooks21@hotmail.com
Date Added: 28/04/2013

I am the daughter of Gordon Leigh, who was I am told a very talented speedway rider. He rode for the 'Robbins' in the UK. I would love to hear from anyone who knew him.

Name: Diane Slater
Email: Dianeslater1@hotmail.co.uk
Date Added: 28/04/2013

I�m looking for old photos or programmes for my late father Gordon Richards. I know he rode for the following :-

15th August 1953 Ringwood
22nd August 1953 Aldershot Individual Champs
25th October 1953 Ringwood
25th April 1954 Eastbourne
2nd May 1954 Eastbourne
9th May 1954 Eastbourne
16th May 1954 Eastbourne
23rd May 1954 Eastbourne
6th June 1954 Eastbourne
13th June 1954 Eastbourne
20th June 1954 Aldershot
11th July 1954 Ringwood
18th July 1954 Ringwood
8th August 1954 Ringwood
15th August 1954 Ringwood
22nd August 1954 Ringwood
5th September 1954 Ringwood
12th September 1954 Ringwood
26th September 1954 Ringwood
24th April 1955 Ringwood
8th May 1955 Ringwood
15th May 1955 Ringwood
29th May 1955 Ringwood
26th June 1955 Eastbourne
3rd July 1955 Eastbourne

Name: Jim Henry
Email: jamesjhenry@yahoo.co.uk
Date Added: 31/03/2013

Anyone have photos of these riders to help Glynn Shailes please? The riders are Wayne Freeman (Aus), Alan Sorensen (Aus), David (BoBo) Valantine (NZ) and Trevor Chamberlain.

Name: George Hill
Email: holdnall@bt.internet.com
Date Added: 24/03/2013

Does anyone have photos or info on the following riders: Bruce Cooley; Joe Westwood; Fred Priest and Gerald Poyner. All rode at Cradley between 1960 and 1969.

Name: John Chaplin
Email: johnchaplin73@hotmail.com
Date Added: 17/03/2013

I am being asked for details of the career of Mart Seifert, the first President of the old Dirt-Track Riders Association, now the World Speedway Riders Association. Can anyone help?

Name: Rad Tomala
Email: pagan686@googlemail.com
Date Added: 03/02/2013

I've got a speedway race jacket (see picture), I don't know of its origin. Anyone could help me please? I need some detail about this jacket, which country or team. Many thanks.

Name: Leonard Carter
Email: leonard_carter@hotmail.co.uk
Date Added: 16/12/2012

I'm after any pics you may have of my Grandad. He was born and bread in Cradley Heath and raced in Dudley wood for Cradley Heath speedway around 1947. His name is James Hipkiss or Jimmy he serverd in the RAF. Anything you might have would be grateful.

Name: Rasmus Terkelsen
Email: rasmus@speedwayzone.dk
Date Added: 09/12/2012

I got a swedish Race Jacket but dont know anything about it, and someone help me??

See the jacket here: http://speedwayzone.dk/hvor-stammer-denne-fra

You can see my collection here: http://speedwayzone.dk/speedway-samling

I also looking for Race Jackets from Danish riders...

Name: Jim Henry
Email: jamesjhenry@yahoo.co.uk
Date Added: 18/11/2012

Can anyone help with any of these bits of information please.

The record for Edinburgh 1948 - 1954 is complete apart from:

Edinburgh and V Edinburgh Needs 1948

Friday 26th March 1948 Knowle Stadium,Bristol Bulldogs64 EdinburghMonarchs 20 (NLD2) Times SH 2nds
Friday 23rd April 1948 Knowle Stadium, Bristol Bulldogs71 Edinburgh Monarchs 25 (AnnC) Times SH 2nds

Monday 19th April 1948 Edinburgh Monarchs 39 Norwich Stars 45 (NLD2)
Novice Scurry Angus McGuire, Alf McIntosh, [ Niven McCreadie, McLeod 84.6
Saturday 29th May 1948 Old Meadowbank, Edinburgh Monarchs 46 Sheffield Tigers 38 (Ch)
Novice Races Ht1 Hyman, [ Don Cuppleditch, Spud Murphy, Downham 78.8
Tuesday 14th September 1948 Old Meadowbank, Edinburgh Border Cup
Novice Race Cuppleditch, [ McIntosh, J.Gordon, ? 77.6
Tuesday 12th October 1948 Old Meadowbank, Edinburgh Monarchs 39 Birmingham Brummies 57 (AC)
Special Reserve Race Tolley, [Beaumont, Cuppleditch, Bell 71.2

Tuesday 20th July 1948 Highbury Fleetwood Flyers 54 Edinburgh Monarchs 42 (AC) Det Jnr Scr
Tuesday 5th October 1948 Highbury Fleetwood Flyers 50 Edinburgh Monarchs 34 (NLD2) All Ht Times + Second Half

Thursday 7th October 1948 @ Sheffield Norwich Stars 51 Edinburgh Monarchs 33 (NLD2) Det SH Final

Edinburgh and V Edinburgh Needs 1949

Thursday 21st July 1949 Old Meadowbank, Edinburgh Press Charity Gala Sports Night
Ht2 Campbell, Harding, Hodgson ?Time Ht3 Harding, Hodgson, Campbell ?Time

Wednesday 21st September 1949 Highbury Fleetwood Flyers 35 Edinburgh Monarchs 49 (NLD2) Second Half

Edinburgh and V Edinburgh Needs 1950

Thursday 20th July 1950 Old Meadowbank, Edinburgh Press Sports Event Times Hts 1 - 4

Wednesday 20th September 1950 Highbury Fleetwood Flyers 42 Edinburgh Monarchs 42 (NLD2) SHTimes

Edinburgh and V Edinburgh Needs 1951

Wednesday 30th May 1951 Chapelizod Dublin Eagles 35 Edinburgh Monarchs 37 (Inter Capital City Challenge) SH Times

Wednesday 5th September 1951 Highbury Fleetwood Flyers 36 Edinburgh Monarchs 48 (NLD2) Second Half

6th September 1951 Sun Street Stoke Potters 51 Edinburgh Monarchs 32 (NLD2) Second Half

Name: Chris Butlin
Email: ChrisAButlin@aol.com
Date Added: 12/11/2012

Between 1928 and 1934 my father, Horace/Harry Butlin, used to compete in dirt-track races at Harringay Stadium. I have tried to find records and photos from newspapers but without success. I wondered if you had come across his name and if so where.

Name: John A Lacey
Email: john.lacey309@o2.co.uk
Date Added: 04/11/2012

Bert Lacey was my father. If anyone out there has any photographs, so if you could send me any by e-mail I would be eternally grateful. Thank you in advance, and kind regards.

Name: Lyn Johnson
Email: dollydaydream44@ymail.com
Date Added: 28/10/2012

Could you please help me in tracking down a copy of IPSWICH SPEEDWAY THE FIRST 50 YEARS written by Dave Feakes and Colin Barber. My Partner suffered a stroke but we watch the speedway on Sky Sports. He would be so pleased if I could get him a copy to relive the early magic years. Thank you.

Name: Chris Fenn
Email: chris.fenn@alcatel-lucent.com
Date Added: 28/10/2012

I am looking for two programmes to complete my Hackney collection.

Hackney V Poole 24th April 1963
Provincial league V National League 4th September 1963

Any help appreciated.

Name: Brian Webster
Email: ironbru63@googlemail.com
Date Added: 21/10/2012

I have just learned from my mum that her father (William Gordon) raced for the Glasgow Tigers around 1940's . I have tried their web site, but had no joy. I would be thankful if you could provide any information.

Name: Rachael King
Email: rachelonahottinroof@hotmail.com
Date Added: 21/10/2012

I'm wondering if you have any recollections of 'Val Morton'. I think he was a Speedway star in the 50's/60's - not exactly sure when! Do you know if he was one of the Belle Vue Aces? He was a relative of mine - his mum (Milly) and my grandma were sisters. We come from a large family and so have drifted apart over the years. Is anyone still in touch with his family now? The last we heard of him was that he owned a sports club in Stalybridge, and that he was running an American car company. We'd love to get in touch with his family again, so any memories you have of his time at Belle Vue, and any possible contacts you have with him would be much appreciated!

Name: Dave Knapkin
Email: djknapkin@aol.com
Date Added: 07/10/2012

I'm trying to collect all Aces Programmes from 1956 season both home and away this is the year of my birth anyone got any please contact me. Also I collect BLRC Badges from Hyde Rd but cannot find any info on Pre 1970 ones, was any produced or has anyone got photos so I know what the look like? I look forward to any help you can give."

Name: Debbie Brown
Email: debra.brown11@btinternet.com
Date Added: 07/10/2012

Frederick Tait Chalmers (Fred) - Does anyone have any info on this rider? He rode all round the country also at Meadowbank Stadium, not sure who for, maybe Monarchs or Glasgow Tigers, had a serious accident September 1951, so was riding long before that. Thanks

Name: John Burke
Email: johnbeagh1958@iol.ie
Date Added: 30/09/2012

I have for years on & off been trying to track down an ex speedway rider called JOHN PERRY with no outcome, all dead - ends. So, I thought I would have one last go with your help.

He raced from the the very late seveties through to the mid eighties to my knowledge, I think from memory it was with a team near Milton Keynes (could Milton Keynes be a defunct team), Rye House - another certain possibility & around the St.Albans area - St.Albans could just be an area near to the other two.

He came from Kingsbury in N.W. London & was a tall man 6ft maybe plus with died blond (which he took some series stick for) hair & his full time week job was as a HGV/Plant mechanic in N.W.London working with the Thames Water Board in Willesden. This is how I knew him, I was his apprentice training with the water board to be a HGV mechanic.

He used to bring his bike to work on the back of a goldie/yellow MK3 Cortina every monday morning to steam clean it & give it the once over. He would be in his mid fifties atleast by now & was a very funny good natured person at heart.

I used to live in Kensal Rise in N.W.London near the now long gone white city stadium where I used go to races on a constant basis with my late uncles who were all bike mad, in particular speedway racing.

Name: Lindsey Smith
Email: lindseydawnsmith@hotmail.com
Date Added: 30/09/2012

My grandfather Gerald was Bert Lacey's brother - I believe Bert rode for the Bellevue Aces, Coventry Bees and Sheffield Tigers during his speedway career - (1940's-1950's) and owned a motorcycle /spares/repair shop somewhere in Manchester - Sadly, he and my grandfather lost touch in the 70's/80's when I think Bert may have emigrated to Canada. I know Bert had one son called Johnny.

My grandfather was immensely proud of his brothers Speedway achievements and I would like to find out more about his career and would also like to reconnect with Johnny Lacey if possible as my mother, aunts and uncles have not seen him since they were young.

Name: Chris Stanley
Email: Stan@tomorrow-rm.co.uk
Date Added: 16/09/2012

I wonder if anyone can give me any information about Edward Arthur Williams (Ted Williams) who was a retired rider and acted as a fellow starter at this event with George Formby.

Any info at ll would be greatly appreciated.



Name: Rasmus Terkelsen
Email: rasmus@speedwayzone.dk
Date Added: 16/09/2012

What rider was number 7 in Intercontinental final 1999 and what track??

Name: James Royston Green
Email: jamiegreen00@hotmail.co.uk
Date Added: 09/09/2012

I dont know much of my Dad's (Des Green) past but I believe he used to ride at Coventry speedway in the 70s, his mechanic was a person called Mick Adams. Sadly My dad passed away in 2007 and all of his knowledge went with him. If anyone has any info about my Dad - Des Green - could you please contact me.

Name: Ian McLean
Email: tich46@yahoo.co.uk
Date Added: 26/08/2012

Trying to trace the photographer of the Photo No.64 of Jason Lyons on Speedway On Disk. Possibly taken at Milton Keynes 90/91.

Name: Andy Sheppard
Email: cheekyboys22001@yahoo.co.uk
Date Added: 12/08/2012

I am needing the following programme cover scans if possible please....about 300dpi & JPG thanks.

DIV 1 PAIRS FINAL 1977, 84
DIV.2 / PL 4TT 1980, 85, 88, 90, 91, 98, 2000, 01, 02, 04
BRITISH UNDER 21 CHAMPIONSHIP 1982, 83, 87, 89, 91, 2001
TELFORD INDOOR 1987, 2001, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
WORLD LONG TRACK FINAL 1971, 75, 77, 81, 83, 89, 91, 94, 96, any post 1997
GP CHALLENGE FINAL 2000, 06, 2011
OVERSEAS FINAL 1982, 84, 85, 92, 93, 97, 99, 2001
COMMONWEALTH FINAL 1979, 80, 87, 89, 91,
INTER-CONTINENTAL FINAL 1979, 86, 89, 95, 96, 2000, 2001

Name: Tracy Holmes
Email: raebo_nz@hotmail.com
Date Added: 22/07/2012

I need the following programmes; World Longtrack Finals 1971 and 1981. European Final 1975. World Cup Finals 1967, 1969, 1972, 1985 and 1989. World Championship Sem-Finals 1991 Rovno, 1991 Abensberg, 1993 Lonigo. Intercontinental Finals 1984 and 1985. I have mint 2012 NZ GP programmes that I can swap. If you can help, I would love to hear from you.

Name: Kev Anderson
Email: kevanderson94@yahoo.co.uk
Date Added: 17/06/2012

I am trying to find out details of the track records at Hyde Road and the Shay at time of closure. I would also like to know about the track record at Wimbledon in the 1990 and 1991 seasons.

Name: Brian Bailey
Email: b13mfc@me.com
Date Added: 17/06/2012

Has anyone got a copy of the 1960 Provincial League Riders Championship held at Cradley Heath. Top price paid

Name: Ian McLean
Email: tich46@yahoo.co.uk
Date Added: 27/05/2012

I am trying to trace the "Svein Kaasa Memorial Trophy" which was raced for at Ashfield in heat 15 against Edinburgh. The shield has not been presented for a number of years and would be held by either a Glasgow or Edinburgh rider.

Name: Peter Stogerer
Email: peter.stoegerer@gmail.com
Date Added: 27/05/2012

Can you give me an answer for my following question? Who won the German Silver Helmet (DMV) in the year 1951???

Name: Steven Baker
Email: stevieb1960@virginmedia.com
Date Added: 27/05/2012

Can anyone help with the heat details for the 1978 World Pairs Final. The point scorers are well documented but I am struggling to find the individual heat results and race times.

Name: Bill Elliot
Email: bettens6@talktalk.net
Date Added: 13/05/2012

Hope you might be able to help my friend Tracy Holmes who's trying to source some pics-I'm doing it for him in an effort to keep down any postage costs which arise if as usual the Speedwayplus readers come to the rescue. Anybody who can help with any of these can email me at and I'll sort it out from there:

1st 3-1981 Internationale-Hans Nielsen, Kenny Carter, Jan Andersson (podium shot)

1st 3-1995 BLRC-Gary Havelock, Billy Hamill, Jason Crump (podium shot)

Any World Pairs Championship/World Team Cup snaps (podium or action), programmes, etc 1960's-1990's

Name: Andy Chapman
Email: andrewchapman3@aol.com
Date Added: 13/05/2012

Please can you help on any info on speedway in the 1950s at Mersham in Kent? My family are keen motor cycle fans and may late granddad's brother has been talking about these days near where we live. Names of some riders Dave Spain, Arter brothers, B Luckhurst?

Name: Jeffrey Stafford
Email: clarendongifts@yahoo.co.uk
Date Added: 06/05/2012

I am seeking information on an old dirt track rider - Donald Riley, better known as Risket Riley. Rode on the old Snipe track in Audenshaw, Manchester.


  • Bob Ozanne:

    "Re: Nazhip's enquiy about a Russia team riding at Belle Vue in 1945. Yes, Nazhip you have the date and result correct. All the riders came from Britain , Australia a nd Canada. There were no American or Russian riders present. In Britain and the Commonwealth there was an official day of celebration of the end of World War 2 in Europe, called "Victory in Europe Day". This was 8 May 1945. The names given to the teams at Belle Vue were probably in honour of the Allies in World War 2, to celebrate at the speedway. In the links to this site you will find The Speedway Researcher. The complete race results of the match are on the site. "

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