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Dream Team : Dan Neve

My Dream Team is based on my years watching Bradford and Sheffield since the early 90's. My years as a speedway fan began in the 1991 season at Odsal and I now pay frequent visits to Sheffield and Workington. I've tried to include the riders who have influenced me the most as a speedway fan and the ones who have provided me the best memories to date. Enjoy!


Joe Screen
Mr Entertainer and an absolute natural on a speedway bike. I will never forget him blasting around Bradford passing people like they where stood still! Deserves so more than just a British Title to his name. The Wheelie King!

Simon Wigg
True professional and a class act. The Green Machine oozed quality. A very sad loss to the Sport!

Gary Havelock (Skipper)
Boyhood hero along with Screeny and a true leader and captain. Feel very privileged to have seen him lift the greatest honour in speedway! Was head and shoulders above the rest in 1992 and was set for more success but for injury!

Sean Wilson
Typical Yorkshire man and a rider of real character. Has shown some real determination and leadership with Sheffield and previously Bradford (His team riding with Havvy has to be some of the best ever witnessed).

Mark Loram
Similar to Screeny, Loramski is a real entertainer and a rider who I really look forward to watching. The Ham brothers made a masterstroke by signing him for Bradford in 1997. Great to see him become World Champion.

Simon Stead
Superb ability, right off the Screen and Loram mould and very entertaining on a speedway bike! I feel Simon can go all the way in speedway and emulate Havvy and Loramski, he certainly has the ability and the right attitude. Top Bloke as well!

Carl Stonehewer
I've got to see a lot of Stoney during 2003 and he has really impressed me. Another born leader and very determined rider who looks out for the rest of the team. His attitude and determination in the Grand Prix was also superb!

Paul Pickering/Garry Stead/Lee Complin (Squad)
Paul and Garry both showed flashes of brilliance for Bradford and on their day could beat the best of riders around Odsal. Both contributed to success for the Dukes. Lee Complin had so much raw talent and was surly destined for big things in the sport another all action rider!


This article was first published on 24th January 2004

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