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Dream Team : J Maxwell

Phil CrumpChris Louis

John Louis
Probably the greatest Englishman never to have been World Champion.

Ivan Mauger
Quite simply a living legend.

Phil Crump
As hard as they come and I never missed the chance to see him race at Ipswich. Was so consistent and Jason's career is on a par, although Crump senior was never a huge hit on the World scene.

Jason Crump
The man everyone seems to love to hate. No doubting his ability, just needs that final piece of luck for that 1st World Title. Fantastic racer.

Bruce Penhall
The greatest speedway entertainer there was. I loved every minute while he was here in the UK racing and thrilling crowds everywhere. Specially loved his meetings with Kenny Carter and that unforgettable final heat with John Louis at Belle Vue to decide the 1979 BLRC. That one race was worth the admission on its own. John being the victor in the end. People who today bemoan the lack of passing should have seen that race. Passing and repassing a plenty in that one race. Fantastic stuff.

Chris Louis
No dream team should be without a Mr Dependable/Consistent. Has been there, done it and bought the T-shirt. Only thing missing again was a senior World title. World U21 Champ in 1990 and 3rd in the Senior World Final of 1993. Fantastic racer and now back racing again after suffering terrible injuries. Great to see him back.

Billy Sanders
What a terrible waste his untimely passing was. Odds on to have been the World's number one. Again he was so consistent. Wherever he rode he gave 110% and was just superb. I remember him coming to Ipswich as a raw 16 year old and seeing him make great progress right up until that fateful day in '85'. Great loss to speedway and is still missed. I would have Billy in my team anyday!

Well there you have it. My dream team. Yes it is probably heavily influenced by Ipswich, but seeing how I have supported the Witches through thick and thin for over 30 years, it's hardly suprising.

Cheers for the chance to show my dream team.


This article was first published on 30th April 2004

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