National Motorcycle Show 2006
The B.S.P.A attended the National Motorcycle Show at the GMEX Centre. Chris Baldwin took along
his camera to capture some shots.
Thanks to Jim Lynch, Paul Oughton, Chris Baldwin, Ricky Ashworth, Alicia Williams and the promotions and riders of Newcastle, Stoke, Belle Vue and Workington for making the stand such a success.

George English and model Alicia Williams

'Two Wheels Only' magazine show their support for the stand, in the form of another
gorgeous model

Members of the Workington team and Alicia on Saturday

Superbike legend, James Whitham showed support for the stand

Chris Baldwin with his bike and T.W.O babe showing off his new sponsor 'Dirt Star Clothing', a sponsor that was so impressed with the stand that they offered
sponsorship on the day!
This article was first published on 27th January 2006
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