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The VSRA Speedway Museum
End of Season Update

Having spent the last 7 months travelling to more tracks than I did when I was riding, even Poole & Workington for rain-offs, we have now raised over £43,000, passing 79% of our target. We are very grateful to all who have helped us during the season providing items for us to raise money for the Museum. The latest additions to the funding team are Steve Casey 'Green Light & Go', a Speedway poem, Tony Lethbridge 'The End of an Era' composite print of the County Ground and riders, and Brian Longman Posters of Sunderland Teams. Our very special thanks to Chris Neath, Rye House No.1, who on his own initiative raised in two meetings - £500. We would also like to thank Tony MacDonald (Backtrack & VSM Magazines for their continued support and publicity, also Peter Oakes (Speedway Star) keeping the speedway family up to date with the Museum's progress. Peter Sampson and his family at Paradise Wildlife Park continue to encourage and support our efforts to build the museum there, and have been happy to welcome a number of fans who have visited the park during the current season.

We are grateful for the 13 tracks that held collections this season and the 4 tracks that have agreed to collections taking place next season. We would be very grateful if the remaining promotions could make the same commitment giving all supporters the opportunity to contribute to their museum.

We look forward to joining Arena Essex club members at The Thurrock Hotel Dinner Dance. Whilst Bob Ferry and Ian Martin have organised the Sunderland re-union at the Pullman Lodge Seaburn, where we meet up again with my adopted family in the North East, all profits to be donated to the Speedway Museum Fund. We have received a donation raised at the Wolverhampton Dinner Dance courtesy of Chris Van Straaten and Peter Adams.

The 77th anniversary of Speedway's first meeting, takes place at the King's Oak High Beech on 19th February 2006 profits to the museum fund. Look out for the adverts in Speedway Star and other publications from December. Further details of the Fayre are available from Andy Griggs 01553 82706. If anyone is planning events during the closed season please bear the Museum Fund in mind, we need support from everyone in Speedway.

Our meeting with the Heritage Lottery Commission was encouraging, but we have a lot of work to do for the application to succeed. It must be pointed out that the lottery fund does not contribute to buildings. It will support the purchase of display material and equipment. Therefore our target figure of £55,000 remains for us to achieve. We have already received offers of help with the application for which we are very grateful.

We continue to seek funds, publicity and opportunities to make the museum a reality, and welcome any assistance and support from the speedway family to achieve the dream. We really do need your help to achieve the target especially as there are less opportunities during the closed season. £12,000 still gives us a mountain to climb albeit a smaller mountain. All donations will be acknowledged in the museum, please take the opportunity to be part of your Museum to The History of Speedway.

We have a number items including badges, CDs, DVDs, speedway poem for sale all proceeds going to the museum fund, full details available at the address below.

For any further information please contact George Barclay 41, Lodge Avenue Dagenham Essex RM8 2JD. Telephone No. 020 8592 3361.

VSRA Website


This article was first published on 18th November 2005

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