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The VSRA Speedway Museum

No longer a dream but reality! Our Speedway Museum is now in the latter stages of fund raising to complete the required sum to start building. There are many clubs who for several reasons were unable to hold a collection last season. Along with most businesses it was a difficult time. Our hopes are that every track will make the effort this season to give its supporters the opportunity to contribute if they wish, safe in the knowledge that this is a rare event in that it does not cost the Promoter.

"Speedway Museum" - It is ours. Not mine. Not yours. OURS! The money that has been given so far has come from every section of the Speedway Family in collections and individual donations, this amount from just 25% of our "family" so far, which underlines the importance they place in this project. A comprehensive, visual and interactive record of "Dirt Track" and "Speedway" racing that is long overdue.

In order that we may be successful in our applications to Charity status and Lottery funding we have appointed Trustees to represent the Museum interests. Further to this, we are in the process of setting up a committee formed from volunteers who have come forward to assist, they are experienced in all facets relating to building, displays, archives, education, and of course day to day running of our museum.

Catch 22? That is exactly the position we find ourselves in! We have to set up all the foregoing in order to apply for assistance, which is important to the "fitting out" with display units, screens, stands etc., whilst hoping we will acquire the remaining money with which to commence building. There is a time limit to availability of Lottery funds due to the demands on funding required to prepare for the Olympics to be held here in England. The question is? Do we go ahead with organising to qualify for funding? Or do we wait to see if we get the remaining money to build from track collections and individual donations? In which case we miss out on Lottery cash! We are going for the first option in the hope that all who wish to donate will do so in the near future.

We are grateful for the many items of memorabilia received to sell to raise money for the museum fund. Most recent being Lee Richardson's kevlars and Edward Kennett's bike and fork covers by Martin Hagon on behalf on Hagon Products. As always, if you require any further information or have any items you have for sale or display in the museum please contact us.

Linda & George Barclay
41 Lodge Avenue
RM8 2JD.

Telephone 020 8592 3361.

e-mail barclay@hotmail.co.uk


This article was first published on 6th April 2006

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