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Dream Team : Robin Couzins

My team selection is based on riders that I have seen ride in the flesh at some time or another.


Hans Nielsen
Simply the most professional rider I have seen, always tidy and also the best rider of the mid 80's to late 90's.

Bobby Ott
Never saw him ride that many times really, but I always remember Mr Showtime when I did see him. He seemed to almost be either off the back of the bike or underneath it. A great entertainer.

Mark Loram
Great on the shale or grass, a bloody nice bloke and bloody great rider. His never give up style, whether 1st or 4th, is great to see and how many racing lines has that track??? Our last world champ and the GP's will be worse off without him this year - if only for the entertainment value alone.

Tony Rickardsson
Immaculate style and presence. Took over where Hans left. Like the terminator - he will be back!!

Sam Ermolenko
It could of been either Hamill or Hancock here, but my nod goes to Sam, not only for his speedway ability, but also for proving the doubters that he can still do it in his 40's. Why should age be a barrier when you can ride as good as he can?

Barney Kennett
As a youngster, it was Kinsgmead on a Saturday night, sitting on the 3rd and 4th bends, hanging over the fence and watching Barney in his leathers with the big yellow Mcdonalds "M" on his bum. I always remember him fighting his way from the back to the front. I'm not sure if Barney just couldn't gate or his Mcdonalds sponsorship slowed him down!! LOL.

Jason Crump
Deserving World Champ, style and guts.


This article was first published on 19th February 2005


  • Ros Brown:

    "Barney Kennett was Canterbury speedway."

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