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Soundbites: 21st May 2005


"It was difficult, because psychologically we were without our captain. I don't think the pressure was particularly on me, it was on everyone to be honest, because Thorpy is always good round Craven Park. I got paid 18 so I have nothing to complain about, but it's not about how well I've done as an individual. It is about the team, everyone has to do a job. We knew it was going to be hard, but we did it."
Emiliano Sanchez on Hull's win over Newport on Wednesday. Paul Thorp was signed off for stress after the birth of his child.

"It was always going to be a tough meeting because Peterborough have been going very well and they have had a couple of away wins. The Dryml brothers go well here and PK always goes round quickly as well, so we had to hit them early and we did. It is always the key to start out quickly and get into your stride. All of our boys produced some great racing and it was a good team effort."
Ryan Sullivan on the Pirates win over Peterborough

"We have been delighted with the attendances that we have had. The top crowd we have had was 1,500 and they have been averaging out at about 800. That is above the break-even figure we had worked out. The supporters are telling us they want speedway here and they want it to stay."
Scunthorpe promoter Rob Godfrey

"I am grateful for the way people have rallied round and for the support I've received from my fellow riders. However it is going to cost me a fortune to rebuild just one bike. This can set you back anything between £5,000 and £7,000. But I am not going to allow the thieves to wreck my season. As far as I am concerned it is business as usual."
Theo Pijper

"Although I came back to Britain to ride Conference League for Wimbledon, I was really looking for a team place at Workington, which is why I've based myself at Rowrah. I've done pretty well for Wimbledon, scoring eight or nine points each meeting, but the Premier League is much tougher because there's a better class of rider. People might think I've tried to come back for the Comets too soon but I'll never know until I've given it a go."
Scott James - Delighted to be a Comet once more

"I'm absolutely livid and it's depreciating the value of the cup. The league said that I had left it too late to get the meeting changed, but as soon as I was aware that this was going to happen I put a letter in and contacted Coventry. It's a total nonsense."
Swindon boss Alun Rossiter on last night's cup match at Coventry. The Robins had only three of their own riders available.

"The fixture has been there from the start of the season and both Swindon and Poole knew they would be coming tonight if they won through in the KO Cup. I did look at trying to change things, but it wasn't possible."
Colin Pratt's response to Rossiter

"Poole are not as good as they are made out to be. Yes, they have beaten us pretty comfortably over the two meetings, but if we had managed a decent result at home we would have been in strong contention for the bonus point. I will be expecting to collect the bonus when we meet again later in the season in the 'B' fixtures. In my book everyone is allowed a bad night and we collectively had ours when Poole came to Alwalton."
Peterborough boss Trevor Swales on their 52-41 reversal at Poole on Wednesday

"It is nice to be back where we belong. Realistically, though, we have to look to reach the top four play-offs and take it from there with regard to the title. First or second place is what we are aiming for to give us a home draw in the semi-finals. Things are going fine and we are doing well at home. But we are losing too heavily away which is making it harder to get the bonus points."
Neil Middleditch - Delighted to see Poole on top of the table on Wednesday night

"It was my own mistake, even though I felt the Polish referee was inconsistent in letting the tapes up. One minute it was quite quick, and then it was long and you get to the point where you are thinking they are going to go, they are going to go. Everyone was moving a little bit and I just jumped and couldn't hold it. But it is no good beating myself up about it. I was gutted but I stayed focussed and I was determined to do well. I just didn't quite get the breaks I needed."
Scott Nicholls on his tapes exclusion in last week's GP

"I am pleased by the BSPA's decision. It would have been an absolute scandal had this match gone ahead. I suspect Len Silver had a free date in his calendar and asked Sheffield along to race without bothering to look to see what the points position is in the Northern qualifying section. Admittedly we need to score an awful lot of points to win at Stoke, 36 to be precise. But you can never tell. These things happen, a million to one chance perhaps - but the chance is still there."
Edinburgh's John Campbell - Pleased the Rye House v Sheffield match has been scrapped

"Ray started with a good win but probably got a little bit tired and clipped the fence. He took a very hard knock."
Graeme Gordon on Ray Morton - Injured in his second race for Exeter

"We asked Glasgow to change but they refused. They're crazy for going ahead with the match. No one will turn up to watch and they could have been more flexible."
Peter Waite - Fearful of taking an understrength side to Ashfield on Sunday

"We bent over backwards to try to help Berwick. We tried to bring Newcastle and Stoke up this Sunday instead but neither were able to do the fixture. We had no option but to insist Berwick fulfil the date. Peter Waite is out of order saying no one will turn up. That has nothing to do with him."
Glasgow promoter Alan Dick's response to Waite

"We've got so many good riders. If you look at our top four, they can go through meetings unbeaten. If you can get that top four firing away and we can pick up points at home you have a winning formula."
Craig Branney of Hull

"After suffering two defeats the previous week, it was imperative that we got this win under our belts. We are still in with a chance of finishing second in the southern section of the Premier Trophy to reach the semi-finals but to do that, we have to win both the home and away matches against Newport."
Islanders promoter Martin Newnham on their win over Exeter on Tuesday

"We're on a bit of a roll at the moment. Paul Lee has made a big difference by coming in and scoring like a heat leader. Ashley Jones has been the ace in the pack at reserve and one or two of the riders who weren't pulling their weight away from home have started to improve. Our home form has been good all season and I'm expecting that to get better. The crucial aspect for us is how we now perform away from the Norfolk Arena."
King's Lynn manager Rob Lyon

"James has been round Belle Vue a fair bit now and he rides the track well, but I've been asked to provide a little bit of back-up for him as far as experience is concerned and our team manager Graham Drury is also going along to keep an eye on what's happening, who is going through and what is coming up in the programmed rides James has to take. Every little bit helps in these sorts of occasions and along with James' grandfather Jim Yacoby and his mechanics, Graham and I will be doing what we can to help and get him through to the next stage."
Carl Stonehewer - Planning to assist James Wright in his under 21 qualifying round

"It's a hectic week for Kenneth, and he's disappointed about having to ride in the Norway meeting. He's one of the favourites for the World Under-21 title, after finishing second last year, and his Danish federation could have seeded him through. But it seems they overlooked it. It's tough on Kenneth because he's desperate to win the title this year. It will be his last chance and he's having to ride at a meeting he could have avoided knowing that one bad night could end his hopes."
Ian Thomas on Kenneth Bjerre's inclusion in tonight's under 21 qualifying round at Elgane


This article was first published on 21st May 2005

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