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Brandonapolis 1965 - 1985. A Kiwi Konnection. Part 2.
By Tracy Holmes

1968. September 25.

The new Speedway Champion of the World, IVAN MAUGER is the lone Kiwi on parade at the Coventry Classic. How did he get on? Lets see what Howard Jacobi from Speedway Star had to say;

"Some riders must have looked a little sheepish before the end of the Brandonapolis. They were the ones who chose to ignore the advice of those who know the track best. They were the handful of riders who reckoned the track was too wet for racing. In point of fact, the track dried beautifully and there was not a single fall all night! So much for the opinions of riders on these matters."

Good heavens! At the end of 20 heats, Mauger and Nigel Boocock had 13 points each. Jacobi continues;

"The rain was falling heavily again by this time but after being beaten out of the gate, Boocock took full advantage of Mauger's one slip to win the run-off with something to spare."

Heat 4. MAUGER, Nygren, Hill, McMillan.
Heat 6. Hunter, MAUGER, Pratt, McKinlay.
Heat 11. N Boocock, MAUGER, Michanek, Airey.
Heat 13. MAUGER, Betts, E Boocock, Trigg.
Heat 20. MAUGER, Ashby, Kasper, Wilson.

1st place run-off. N Boocock, MAUGER.

1st Nigel Boocock 13.
3rd Anders Michanek 10.

Norman Hunter 10. Terry Betts 10. Antonin Kasper 9. Jim Airey 9. Martin Ashby 8. Eric Boocock 7. Ray Wilson 7. Roger Hill 7. Olle Nygren 7, Jim McMillan 5. Roy Trigg 2. Ken McKinlay 2. Colin Pratt 1. [Res] Col Cottrell dnr. [Res] Les Owen dnr.


1969. September 17.

What a treat! New Zealand's three World Champions on the Grand Parade. Reigning Number 1, IVAN MAUGER is joined by BARRY BRIGGS and making his come-back after 6 years in retirement is twice Brandonapolis winner RONNIE MOORE!!! Sadly, he is riding tonight under injury cloud, smashing up his right foot at Newcastle on August 18. Still, here he was and determined to put on a show and honour his invitation.

Howard Jacobi was on the type-writer keys again for Speedway Star;

"A superb performance from Ray Wilson was the highlight of the 13th Brandonapolis. On three occasions, Wilson missed the gate, and in fact was in third place on the first bend. Yet, riding the track better than ever before, he fought through to first place each time."

So all the Kiwis were outdone this time around. See the name Ole Olsen in there. Ah yes, the 70's were nearly here!

Heat 3. MAUGER, MOORE, France, McKinlay.
Heat 4. BRIGGS, Airey, Eide, Cole.
Heat 6. Wilson, BRIGGS, McKinlay, Holub.
Heat 7. MAUGER, N Boocock, Persson, Cole.
Heat 8. Sjosten, Airey, MOORE, McMillan.
Heat 9. Wilson, Airey, MAUGER, Nygren.
Heat 10. Olsen, MOORE, Holub, Cole.
Heat 11. N Boocock, McMillan, France, BRIGGS ef.
Heat 13. BRIGGS, Persson, MOORE, Nygren.
Heat 14. McMillan, Holub, Eide, MAUGER ef.
Heat 19. Wilson, N Boocock, MOORE, Eide.
Heat 20. BRIGGS, MAUGER, Olsen, Hill. Sjosten ex.

1st Ray Wilson 15.
2nd Nigel Boocock 13.

IVAN MAUGER 9. Bernt Persson 8. Jim McMillan 8. Reider Eide 8. Ole Olsen 7. RONNIE MOORE 7. Jan Holub 6. Jim Airey 6. Soren Sjosten 5. Ken McKinlay 5. Olle Nygren 4. Rick France 3. Howard Cole 2. [Res] Roger Hill 2. [Res] Les Owen 2.


1970. September 23.

RONNIE MOORE being the only Kiwi this year and while he hoped for a better showing, it didn't really happen. But as ever, he sure did his best.

Peter Morrish had this report for Speedway Star;

"A nasty looking accident in heat 16, involving Nigel Boocock, marred an otherwise fast and entertaining meeting. Nigel was attempting to pass Bengt Jansson on the outside when Jansson overslid. Nigel struck Jansson's machine and was hurled into the fence, his bike landing on top of him. He was taken to hospital but luckily escaped with concussion and abrasions."

That would never be reported that way today! Ole Olsen had the trophy in his cabinet before his last ride.

Heat 4. MOORE, McMillan, Michanek, Lofqvist.
Heat 7. Wilson, MOORE, France, McKinlay.
Heat 10. Olsen, Kilby, MOORE, Betts.
Heat 16. Owen, Hill, MOORE. Jansson f/ex. N Boocock inj ns.
Heat 17. Boulger, MOORE, Hedge, Lomas.

1st Ole Olsen 15.
2nd Jim McMillan 11.
3rd John Boulger 11.

Anders Michanek 11. Bob Kilby 9. Ray Wilson 9. RONNIE MOORE 9. Trevor Hedge 8. Rick France 6. Ken McKinlay 5. Terry Betts 5. Nigel Boocock 5. Christer Lofqvist 5. [Res] Les Owen 5. Bengt Jansson 3. Roger Hill 3. Eric Boocock 0. [Res] Tony Lomas 0.


Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six


This article was first published on 12th October 2019

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