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Brandonapolis 1965 - 1985. A Kiwi Konnection. Part 4.
By Tracy Holmes

1974. July 3.

Why the date being three months earlier I don't know but it worked for the winner! Here is how Dave Robottom saw it for Speedway Star;

"When Phil Herne, the only Second Division rider competing, shot from the tapes in Heat 1 and went on to equal the track record, it looked as if there could be a sensation. But it was not to be, as Herne scored just one more point, but events led up to an interesting climax as the three leading scorers clashed in Heat 19. [ Being Ivan Mauger 11, John Boulger 10 and Soren Sjosten 10 ] Ivan Mauger, who had dropped his only point when handicapped 20 yards for tape-breaking, made no mistake and went on to win his first Brandonapolis. His gating was first class, yet he very nearly caught Ole Olsen despite his handicap in Heat 16."

So, what a night for King Kiwi Konnection!

Heat 2. MAUGER, Harrhy. Louis ef. Betts fall.
Heat 6. MAUGER, Autrey, Wilson, Jay.
Heat 9. MAUGER, Jessup, Olin, Herne.
Heat 16. Olsen, MAUGER, Valentine. N Boocock f/ex.
Heat 19. MAUGER, Boulger, Sjosten, Collins.

2nd John Boulger 12.
3rd Ole Olsen 11.

Dave Jessup 11. Soren Sjosten 11. Terry Betts 10. Peter Collins 8. Ray Wilson 7. Nigel Boocock 7. Bob Valentine 7. Scott Autrey 6. Phil Herne 4. John Harrhy 4. Matti Olin 3. John Louis 2. Alan Jay 2. [Res] Frank Smith dnr. [Res] Jeff Shirley dnr.


1975. September 10

'Yes, we have us no Kiwis. We have us no Kiwis today'! But then again, there are compensations."

Pulling Power from Poland saw Edward Jancarz and Zenon Plech on parade. There was also a teenager who had joined the Circus and was getting a taste of the Big Top. His name? Mike Lee. And didn't he open some mouths! Not just the clowns either. Speedway Star's Peter Morrish reports on the action;

"When Phil Crump passed Nigel Boocock on the first lap of Heat 5, it was fairly obvious that the Newport rider was destined to take this prestige event. Pre-meeting favourite John Louis failed to finish in his first two rides but still came back to finish third overall, and in an exciting Heat 20, he gave Crump his solitary defeat."

1st Phil Crump 14.
2nd Dave Jessup 12.
3rd John Louis 9.

Nigel Boocock 9. Mike Lee 9. Scott Autrey 9. Billy Sanders 9. Chris Pusey 8. Doug Wyer 8. John Boulger 7. Bob Valentine 7. Terry Betts 5. John Harrhy 5. Reider Eide 4. Edward Jancarz 2. Zenon Plech 1. [Res] Ian Hindle 1. [Res] Frank Smith 1.


1976. September 1.

'Where have all the Kiwis gone? Long time passing?' Sadly and again, the calendar saw a Kiwi free zone. Mitch Shirra made his debut yes, but he was still riding for Australia at this point in time.

Let's check in with Speedway Star's Dave Robottom for the

"Phil Crump became the first rider to win the Brandonapolis in successive years, and this must have given his confidence a boost for Sunday's World Final. And once again, Ole Olsen must be wondering why misfortune seems to hit him in the big individual tournaments."

After 20 heats, Olsen and Crump were tied on 13 points. Crump beaten by Doug Wyer and Olsen, who in turn had been beaten by John Boulger and Martin Ashby.

Dave picks up the story of the run-off;

"... for a couple of laps, it was a carbon copy of their first clash. Once again, Crump drifted off line, allowing Olsen through but the Coventry Star fell on the pits bend, much to the disappointment of some local supporters who, quite without any sort of justification, blamed Crump."

Poor Ole. The reigning World Champion had been dumped out of the World Final at the last round thanks to a shocking referee decision and an engine failure, now this! As for Crump, he went to the World Final in Chorzow and took the Bronze Medal. Cracker Jack!

1st Phil Crump 13.
2nd Ole Olsen 13.
3rd Ila Teromaa 12.

Martin Ashby 12. Mitch Shirra 10. Doug Wyer 10. John Boulger 9. John Louis 9. Reg Wilson 8. Alan Molyneux 7. Jim McMillan 4. Edgar Stangeland 4. Mike Lee 4. Nigel Boocock 3. George Hunter 1. Terry Betts 1. [Res] John Harrhy dnr. [Res] Frank Smith dnr.


1977. October 8.

LARRY ROSS from Christchurch and Wimbledon gets to line up from Kiwiland and Peter Morrish for Speedway Star gives us the report;

"A fine end to the season at Coventry with Ole Olsen taking the Brandonapolis for the third time. This was Olsen's third individual title within the last seven days and his ability to come from the back was the deciding factor here. The weather was so bad that the meeting was in doubt right up to the scheduled start but full marks to the track staff and riders for completing the full programme."

Ole was only beaten by Malcolm Simmons in heat 10 while Super Simmo dropped two points in heat 8 behind Doug Wyer and Reg Wilson.

Heat 4. Ray Wilson, ROSS, McMillan, Reg Wilson.
Heat 5 Olsen, Molyneux, Busk, ROSS.
Heat 12. Jancarz, Wyer, ROSS, Bell.
Heat 14. Teromaa, Smith, ROSS, Middleditch.
Heat 19. Simmons, Nilsson, ROSS, Shirra.

1st Ole Olsen 14.
2nd Malcolm Simmons 13.
3rd Alf Busk 9.

Tommy Nilsson 9. Doug Wyer 9. Mitch Shirra 9. Edward Jancarz 9. Jim McMillan 8. Alan Molyneux 7. Ray Wilson 7. Ila Teromaa 5. Frank Smith 5. Reg Wilson 5. LARRY ROSS 5. Mick Bell 3. Neil Middleditch 3. [Res] Alan Grahame dnr. [Res] Jan Gravningen dnr.


Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six


This article was first published on 3rd November 2019

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