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Jack Scott's Bike
By Neil Burston

I have been busy these last few months restoring a 1966 ESO as a replica of that used by ex Southampton & Cradley Rider Jack Scott to win the 1967 Australian title at Rowley Park. This machine which will compliment my Jack Young collection nicely.

I had the pleasure of taking the bike down to Jack today who has signed the rear guard as he says he cannot fault it, it's exactly the same as he had it.

Jack supplied the nameplate that is on it as he had two left in his shed.


This article was first published on 2nd December 2012


  • Maureen Schooling:

    "An amazing restoration here, that Neil has done to Jack's bike. Mint condition it looks. Jack's smile was a mile wide in the photos, I bet seeing that bike brought some good memories too. Good work Neil, what an achievement & labor of love. Preserving speedway history. "

  • Gloria Harcus:

    "I have been looking for a picture of Jack now and this has made my day. I'm his older sister Gloria and I was with him when he used to race at Rowley Park. My husband Bill Harcus was his mechanic and used to push Jack off in the races, we used to stand on the mound down there and cheer him on. Especially when he raced neck and neck with Jack Young. Jack loved racing and went to England too and won some races. We saw him off on the huge ship and watched him as he waved good bye to us, I had a streamer joined to me and had a tear in the eye when the streamer broke. We used to get messages from him and what he did over there, nothing pleased us more than when we went down to the incoming ship bringing Jack home. We all watched when he came down the gang plank, and we all loved him up. He is a very likeable chap and all the family love him. He still loves to watch the bikes racing on the t v and I guess he relives all those boys who race now. I am very happy that you made a replica of Jack's bike and showed it to him. I reckon that made his day. "

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